ring of honor

ROH Wrestling Results (1/25/21): The Foundation vs. Shane Taylor Promotions

ROH Wrestling Results 
Aired January 18, 2021
Report by Colin Tessier for Wrestlezone.com

Quinn McKay welcomes viewers and previews the show.

The show replays Shane Taylor Promotions’ statement that the trio is willing to wait for a title match with ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champions MexiSquad. The company was willing to give Taylor and the Soldiers of Savagery the titles when Bandido was unable to compete at ROH Final Battle. But Taylor wants to earn the gold.

In a post-match promo from last week, Dragon Lee states that he’s the winner, and the champion. Brody King gets in his face and tells Lee that “this is just the beginning.” (La Faccion Ingobernable cost King his ROH World Championship

Tracy Williams and Josh Woods are revealed as the top two contenders in the Pure Championship Rankings.

In a video package, Josh Woods says he’s taken one step forward, two steps back. He beat Jay Lethal, but he lost to Flip Gordon, and he didn’t win a title shot at ROH Final Battle. He says there’s no time for jokes, as he’s determined to beat Dalton Castle. He compares their backgrounds as technical wrestlers. “The Goods” vows to win some gold this year, and that quest starts with a win over Castle.

In a video promo, Castle ends a phone call with his mom and says he’s being pulled in a few different directions. He says he’s busy, and he’s sidetracked by his life outside of wrestling. He recaps his recent losses in Ring of Honor, and he calls this match a chance to face “a beast.” He admits that Woods has been doing well as a Pure Wrestler, but the former champion points to his own track record. Castle says he has a lot pent up inside of him, and he calls himself a box full of bees.

Pure Rules: Dalton Castle vs. Josh Woods

Castle and Woods exchange technical holds. Woods gains the upper hand, but Castle gets a one fall with a backslide. Woods takes Castle to the mat. The former ROH World Champion uses his amateur wrestling skills to match Woods, and the match is a stalemate early on. Castle drills Woods with a back elbow, but “The Goods” drop Castle abdomen-first onto the ropes.

Woods targets Castle’s mid-section and drills him with some stiff strikes. “The Goods” suplexes Castle and continues to target Castle’s abdomen. “The Peacock” dumps Woods out of the ring to get some breathing room.

Castle grounds Woods and plants him with a clothesline. Woods throws Castle to the outside, but “The Peacock” drives Woods into the barricade. He then suplexes Woods into the barricade to inflict some punishment. Woods rallies with a backbreaker and a German suplex. Castle fires back with one of his own. With the clock ticking down, the competitors trade stiff blows. Woods counters a Bang-a-rang and makes Castle tap to an ankle lock.

Winner: Josh Woods

Backstage, Woods says he’s disappointed because the match turned into a fight. He says his only goal is to be the next ROH Pure Champion.

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