WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (1/20/21)

Backstage, Bálor says it’s time for him to ask for someone to return a favor.

After the break, Bálor burst into The Undisputed Era’s locker room. Bálor gets in Kyle O’Reilly’s face and says he knows what he’s here. Bálor asks O’Reilly what it’s going to be, or is O’Reilly still sucking his meals through a straw. Roderick Strong bows up. O’Reilly tells Strong to stand down. O’Reilly accepts. Bálor and O’Reilly will face Lorcan and Burch next week.

In-Ring Segment: Legado del Fantasma

On the way to the ring, Escobar talks crap about every other champion in NXT, including the former champ, Karrion Kross. Escobar exclaims that he has beaten everybody. He is the champion of champions. Lucha House Party hits the ring and is quickly taken out. Curt Stallion runs down to ringside and makes the save.

Backstage, Killian Dain is with Drake Maverick. Before Dain can speak, Maverick cuts him off and gives an impassioned speech about how he is going to win the Dusty Cup with his best friend, Dain… Dain says that was good, slaps Maverick on the back, and walks away. Maverick winces after the slap. Maverick yells that he’s going to need Dain’s number so they can talk. Dain is gone.

Backstage, Escobar interrupts Stallion backstage, Escobar says if Stallion wants his attention, he’s got it. Escobar gifts Stallion a title shot next week.

Fight Pit Match: Tommaso Ciampa vs. Timothy Thatcher 

The match starts on the staging above the pit. Ciampa attacks Thatcher. Ciampa tries to throw Thatcher off the top of the pit. Thatcher fires back with a few strikes. Thatcher grinds Ciampa’s face into the metal guardrail attached to the pit. Thatcher suplexes Ciampa on the metal staging above the pit. Thatcher lands a series of strikes. Ciampa takes down Thatcher. Ciampa slingshots Thatcher, throat first, into one of the metal poles attached to the pit. After the break, Ciampa and Thatcher are in the pit. Ciampa tosses Thatcher into the pit over and over again. Thatcher is left lying against the pit. Ciampa charges in and blasts Thatcher with a running knee. The referee starts to count. Thatcher gets to his feet. Ciampa sets up the Fairytale Ending. Thatcher escapes and sends Ciampa into the cage.

Thatcher bends Ciampa’s hand against the metal cage. Suplex by Thatcher. Thatcher locks in a wrist lock. Thatcher slams Ciampa’s fingers into the canvas. Ciampa screams in pain. Ciampa trips Thatcher into the cage. Ciampa double legs Thatcher and slingshots him into the cage. Thatcher locks Ciampa in a rear-naked choke. Ciampa low blows Thatcher. Ciampa DDTs Thatcher off of the referee’s back. Ciampa and Thatcher trade strikes. Ciampa drives Thatcher’s head into one of the metal studs that are holding up the pit. Ciampa locks in a sleeper. Thatcher escapes and wedges Ciampa in between two of the pit’s walls by his leg. Thatcher grabs Ciampa’s other leg and locks in a modified stretch muffler. Ciampa taps out.

Winner- Timothy Thatcher



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