ring of honor

ROH Wrestling Results (1/18/21) Dragon Lee Defends The ROH World TV Title Rey Horus

ROH Wrestling Results 
Aired January 18, 2021
Report by Colin Tessier for Wrestlezone.com

The show begins with a recap of how Flip Gordon refused to shake Jonathan Gresham’s hand after their match at ROH Final Battle. It then shows the end of Dragon Lee’s win over Tony Deppen at the same show.

Quinn McKay welcomes viewers to the show and previews the matches on the card. McKay shares the ROH World Television Championship Rankings and explains the rules for the rankings. She states that a wrestler can only be in one division at a time. McKay announces that Vincent and Matt Taven have been banned at appearing at ROH-sanctioned events “for now.”

A video package hypes up Maria Kanellis’ return and The Experience.

In a video promo, Rhett Titus says being a pure wrestler comes with a code. He says pure wrestlers shake hands before and after the match. Titus also says he’s going to restore the honor to this company. He vows that he’s going to beat the honor into Gordon. Gordon explains that he didn’t shake Gresham’s hand because he didn’t think there was any honor in the way Gresham won. Gordon says Titus is finally getting some recognition, and he says they’ve both worked hard to get where they are. “The Mercenary” promises that he’ll beat Titus yet again.

Pure Rules: Rhett Titus vs. Flip Gordon

Gordon refuses to shake Titus’ hand at the beginning of the match. The competitors exchange technical holds. Titus locks in an abdominal stretch, and Gordon fights out of it, but he continues to ground “The Mercenary.”

Titus continues to control the match, and Gordon still refuses to shake his hand. He blasts Gordon with some stiff strikes, but Gordon gains the upper hand. He blasts Titus with a kick to the head and targets his leg. Titus rallies with a big boot and a suplex. Gordon suplexes him on the floor. The two stars go back and forth in the closing minutes. Gordon blasts Titus with a closed fist and hits the Flip-5 for the win.

Winner: Flip Gordon

ROH Wrestling Results Continue 

McKay tells Gordon that he has been suspended from the Pure Division, and he says he has plenty of other divisions he can choose from.

In a video segment, Rey Horus and Dragon lee hype up their title match. Horus reflects on his career in wrestling. He says he has borrowed from various wrestling styles. Horus says he’s been feeling confident since he beat Dalton Castle at ROH Final Battle. He praises Lee as a great champion and an outstanding athlete. In his promo, Lee refuses to sit down. He vows to hurt Horus, and he calls La Faccion Ingobernable the best, the present and the future.

ROH World Television Champion: Rey Horus vs. Dragon Lee (c)

Horus dives onto Lee during his entrance. He takes the fight to the champion and hits a diving crossbody. A spinning DDT earns Horus a two count.

Lee hits a hurricanrana from the apron to the floor. The two stars trade blows and narrowly avoid a double countout. Horus plants Lee with a Spanish Fly. He drills Lee with a punch, but the champion takes control. He hits running boots in the corner. But Horus hits a Spanish Fly from the top rope for a near fall.

Lee plants Horus with a snap German suplex and a powerbomb. Horus hits a Mexican Destroyer for a near fall. Lee hits a stiff double stomp to the back and Incineration (a running knee strike.) He then hits a bare-knee Incineration for the win.

Winner and still ROH World TV Champion: Dragon Lee

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