WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (1/4/21)

WWE RAW ResultsWWE RAW Results 

January 4, 2021
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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The show kicks off with Hogan doing an ad for the H-Phone,  which is a cell phone branded with Hogan’s logo.

Miz TV

Miz is announced as  Mr. Money in the Bank, which is met with a chorus of boos. Miz runs down the card for tonight. The New Day walk down to the ring. They are  Miz and Morrison’s guests tonight. Woods and Kingston say Miz and Morrison are actually guests on their new show. Everyone argues. Teddy Long walks out on the stage. Long tells Miz and Morrison that they will face The Undertaker tonight. Adam Pearce runs out on the stage and tells Long that’s not the match. Long books a Miz and Morrison vs. The New Day instead. That match is next.

The New Day vs. The Miz and Morrison

Kingston and Woods land a flurry of offense to Morrison. Morrison surprises Woods with a shot to the gut. Miz tags in and continues the assault on Woods’ ribs. Miz misses a running boot. Woods rolls up Miz for a near fall. Kingston tags in and splashes Miz in the corner. Kingston whips Miz into Woods’ Honor Roll. Miz kicks out. Kingston tries a leapfrog but Miz locks Kingston in the Skull Crushing Finale position. Kingston escapes and tries Trouble in Paradise. Miz blocks it and launches Kingston into the corner. Kingston hops the ropes and hits a crossbody. Morrison misses a running shooting star. Woods holds Morrison in place as Kingston dropkicks Morrison in the face.

Morrison monkey flips Kingston, but Kingston lands on his feet. Kingston twerks at Morrison. Kingston monkey flips Morrison. Morrison tries to land on his feet but ends up landing on his face. Woods and Kingston send Miz and Morrison out of the ring. Kingston lands the falling star splash. After the break, Miz and Morrison are taking turns working over Kingston. Kingston surprises Morrison with the SOS. Kingston tags in Woods. Woods clears the ring. Morrison floors Woods with an elbow. Woods responds with a discus elbow. Morrison rolls up Woods with his feet on the ropes. Kingston knocks them off the ropes. Morrison yells at Kingston. Woods hits a shining wizard on Morrison for the win.

Winners- The New Day



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Posted by WrestleZone on Mandatory on Monday, December 28, 2020


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