ROH Ring Of Honor
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

ROH Wrestling Results (11/30/20): Brody King vs. Shane Taylor

ROH Wrestling Results 

Aired November 30, 2020 

Report by Colin Tessier for

The show begins with Jonathan Gresham saying The Foundation plans to collect every title in the company in order to restore honor. Jay Lethal reveals that Rhett Titus is the man underneath the Octopus mask, and Tracy Williams says Titus has been cast aside. Williams says they’re there to create a new normal and rebuild the company one brick at a time.

Quinn McKay welcomes viewers and previews the show.

In a video package, Josh Woods looks back on the ROH Pure Championship tournament, where he surprised people by lasting a few rounds. He says he was made for pure wrestling, and he describes his amateur background. Woods states that Lethal will have his hands full in this match. He says he wants a decisive decision rather than one that’s left up to the judges. Woods vows to beat Lethal to climb to the top of the rankings.

Lethal says he’s so proud of the revival of pure wrestling. He looks back on his match with LSG and says he did not defeat his opponent; instead, the judges determined the victor. Lethal says pure wrestling is all about respect. He calls Woods the most dangerous man in the company, and he refuses to underestimate him.

Pure Rules: Josh Woods vs. Jay Lethal

The two competitors feel each other out with technical holds. Woods takes Lethal to the ground and targets his arm. He forces Lethal to use his first rope break. The competitors exchange trash talk and forearms, and Woods plants Lethal with a suplex. “The Goods” locks in a triangle choke and slams Lethal to the mat.

Lethal hits his signature cartwheel dropkick. Lethal grounds Woods and zeroes in on his back. Woods rallies with a flurry of strikes and drops Lethal with a German suplex. Lethal sends Woods to the outside with a dropkick and dives onto him. Woods locks in an arm-bar and counters the Lethal Injection into a choke. “The Goods” puts Lethal in a knee-bar and transitions to an ankle lock. Woods cradles Lethal and pins him.

Winner: Josh Woods

In a clip of Trending With Taven, Matt Taven interviews Mike Bennett. The newly returned ROH star reflects on his departure to the company and says he’s grown a lot since he left. Bennett says he’s here to support Taven.

In a video clip, Mark Briscoe says he and his brother are owed a rematch for the ROH World Tag Team Championship. Mark says his brother is distracted by EC3, so he says he’s going to get the titles after he finds a partner.

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