WWE Undisputed Era
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Undisputed Era Earn Title Shot, Face Breezango Next Week

Undisputed Era has been trying to get their hands back on the NXT Tag Team Championships, and they made huge progress during tonight’s episode of NXT, taking down Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch to earn a title shot against Breezango next week.

During the match, Lorcan and Burch looked as if they had a few opportunities to take down Fish and Strong, but things took a turn for the worse late in the match. After Fish pulled Lorcan out of the ring to break up a cover, Roderick Strong landed a huge running knee onto Lorcan for the victory. Now, the duo will face off against Breezango next week for the titles, something they’ve been aiming to do for a couple of weeks now.

For more on how the match ended, check out below:

Lorcan and Burch work over Strong. Fish tags in and eats multiple European uppercuts from Burch. Burch and Lorcan double Russian leg sweep Fish. O’Reilly tags in and gets slammed onto Fish. Lorcan works a hammerlock on Fish. Strong tags himself in. Lorcan unloads on Fish and Strong with chop after chop. Strong and Fish double back body drop Lorcan. After the break, Fish and Strong are taking turns working over Lorcan. Fandango and Tyler Breeze are watching from the crowd. Lorcan manages to tag in Burch, who clears the ring. Fish surprises Burch with a Samoan drop for a near fall. Burch dropkicks Strong and Fish at the same time. Lorcan tags in and hits a double blockbuster. Burch and Lorcan try to set up their finish but strong breaks it up. Lorcan and Burch almost lock in double submissions but Fish and Strong both counter. Lorcan and Burch hit their finish on Strong. Fish pulls Lorcan out of the ring to break the cover. Strong blasts Lorcan with a running knee strike for the win.

RELATED: WWE NXT Results (10/14/20)


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