WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (10/5/20)

Women’s Tag Team Championship Match: Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler (c) vs. The Riott Squad

The Riott Squad double teams Jax. Morgan sleeps on Riott’s back. Riott hits a senton on Jax while she is carrying Morgan. Riott gets flattened in the corner by Jax. Baszler snaps Riott’s arm in the direction it’s not supposed to bend. Baszler and Jax take turns beating down Riott. After the break, Morgan runs into a clothesline by Jax. Riott tags in and its an innovative slingshot DDT on Baszler. Double stomp by Morgan. Morgan gets a near fall. Baszler knees Riott in the face. Baszler puts Riott in the Kirifuda Clutch. Riott taps out.

Winners and STILL WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, Nia Jax, and Shayna Baszler!

Baszler refuses to release the hold. Morgan eventually gets Baszler off of Morgan.

MVP w/ The Hurt Business vs. Mustafa Ali

MVP takes an early advantage, trapping Ali into the corner and landing a few strikes. MVP turns Ali inside out with a lariat. Retribution surrounds the ring. MVP tells Ali to stand with them. Ali gets in T-Bar and Mace’s faces. Ali smiles and tells T-Bar and Mace to “get them”. Retribution takes out The Hurt Business.

Drew Mcintyre and the Street Profits vs. Randy Orton, Dolph Ziggler, and Robert Roode

McIntyre beats up Ziggler and Roode. Orton jumps off the apron to avoid McIntyre’s assault. As McIntyre is distracted with Ziggler Orton almost hits him with the RKO. Ford dives over the top and lands on Ziggler and Roode. After the break, Ford lands a standing moonsault on Ziggler for a near fall. After a distraction from Orton, Ziggler clubs Ford form behind. The heels take turns working over Ford. McIntyre tags in and jumps on Orton. Roode and Ziggler pull McIntyre off. Dawkins tags himself in. Dawkins avoids the RKO and hits a spinebuster on Orton. Ford lands the top rope splash but Roode breaks up the pin. McIntyre Claymores Roode and Ziggler. McIntyre kips up and eats an RKO by Orton. Orton pis McIntyre.

Winners- Randy Orton, Dolph Ziggler, and Robert Roode


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