Bobby Heenan

Jim Ross On Bobby Heenan Being A Family Man & The Best All-Around Performer He’s Ever Worked With

If you ask anybody worth their salt in professional wrestling, they’ll tell you that Bobby Heenan was one of the greatest to ever make a career for himself in the one true sport. Jim Ross certainly feels as such.

On the latest episode of Grilling JR, the topic happens to be Heenan as this week is the three-year anniversary since the legend’s passing. JR reflects on The Brain’s legacy and even touches upon how the persona you saw on television didn’t completely reflect the person behind the sequined jacket.  JR makes his point citing the healthy sum he received for being a major player in the WrestleMania III main event as he managed Andre The Giant.

“Vince gave him a check for a $100,000 for his work and Bobby took it and bought a home in Florida. As silly as he could be, as funny as he could be, irreverent as he could be, he still had his eye on the prize. He knew that having a home, having a family unit, was hugely important. So Bobby was one of those guys who was always ready to go home because he loved the fact that he finally now had a solid foundation in his home life.

“Bobby loved that lifestyle,” JR continued. “He loved being a father, he loved being able to provide. Whereas a lot of guys would go out and by another Rolex or buy their baby mama another set of boobs, something like that, Bobby bought a home. So he was very grounded in a lot of ways, even though his on-screen persona was this mischievous, funny guy that had this amazing gift of gab, and he did, boy.”

Ross then gives Heenan the highest praise the voice of wrestling could give to someone in the business.

“I’ve always said Conrad, and I really believe this and this is not taking away anything from my other broadcast partners whatsoever or knocking anybody else that maybe I didn’t work with, but Bobby Heenan was the best all around performer in pro wrestling that I’ve ever worked with, period and if you go back and look at some of his in-ring work, he was a very very, very good heel. Main-event level heel, Conrad because he had amazing timing.”

(Transcription credit should go to @DominicDeAngelo of WrestleZone)

Check out all of JR talking Heenan below:

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