WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Super Tuesday II Results (9/8/20)

Backstage, Cole says the better man won tonight. Bálor better hope Cole doesn’t get another shot.

Backstage, Martinez says Ripley is a bad woman but she isn’t as bad as her. Martinez isn’t going to stop tonight until there is nothing left of her.

Roderick Strong w/Bobby Fish vs. Killian Dain

Strong mocks Dain. Strong chops Dain. Dain is totally unphased. Strong leaves the ring. Dain follows. Strong hides behind Fish. Strong attacks Dain in the confusion. Strong lands a few strikes before Dain slams him into the corner. Leg lariat by Strong. Fish trips Dain when the referee isn’t looking. After a distraction by Fish, Strong lands a knee strike for the win.

Winner- Roderick Strong

After the match, Fish and Strong attack Dain. Drake Maverick runs down to the ring to try to make the save. Maverick is quickly taken down. Dain picks up the weapon Maverick was holding. Fish and Strong run away. Maverick tries to shake Dain’s hand. Dain decks Maverick.

At the Gargano house, Candice and Tegan share a toast. Candice says they are toasting to her winning the women’s title. Tegan says why can’t it be her? Candice responds that Tegan already had her chance. Tegan reminds Candice that she has never beaten Io Shirai either. Candice throws a bowl of salad at Tegan. Tegan pours her drink on Candice. Johnny runs in and calls Tegan a piece of garbage and a bad friend. Tegan dumps a big bowl of pasta on Johnny. Candice tosses something a Tegan that she avoids. Whatever Candice threw breaks Candice’s TV. Tegan runs out of the house. Candice follows.

WWE NXT Super Tuesday Results Continue On The Next Page!


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