AEW Dynamite Results

AEW Dynamite Results (8/12/2020)

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AEW Dynamite, August 12, 2020
Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, FL
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Taz

JR starts the show off by saying selected fans are in attendance for tonight’s show. Excalibur is still not at commentary.

The Young Bucks vs. Dark Order (Stu  Grayson & Evil Uno)

The Young Bucks enter and before they even hit the ramp, other members of The Dark Order attack Matt and Nick before Grayson and Uno take Nick to the ring to make the match official. The other members send Nick crashing into the barricade but Matt sentons on top of the trio in retaliation. Grayson and Uno focus on Nick in the ring once more.

Nick finally makes a tag and Matt Jackson comes in like a ball of fire. The Bucks begin to find their footing. Nick hits a top rope arm drag on Grayson, but Grayson thwarts off them off and Uno catches Matt with a suplex. JR calls Uno one of the most underrated tag team members in AEW. Grayson continues his offensive strength against Matt by choking him on the second ring rope before slamming him into the boot of Uno.

Matt fires back against Uno, but Uno rakes the eyes of Matt before tagging in Grayson. Grayson dropkicks Matt out of the ring who distracts the ref while Uno thrusts Matt onto the outside apron. He gets rolled back in for a two count.

Matt and Uno trade shots as Uno tries to fish hook the eye of the older Jackson. Matt fires back, but finds himself surrounded by several Dark Order members on the outside. Matt crawls under the ring to escape and eventually gets back in the ring.

Soon enough, Matt makes the hot tag to Nick. He fires off against Uno and Grayson before shouting “best comeback in the business!” Nick takes the action to the outside and superkicks Grayson crisp. Bucks rediscovered their momentum as they double team Uno for a two count. They bridge Uno on the ropes as Matt swantons himself on top of his foe for a two count.

Soon after, The Dark Order hit the Ying & Yang for a very near fall. THey hit a brainbuster 540 double-team on Nick for a close call, but Matt breaks it up. Grayson tosses Matt in the entryway tunnel as he instructs the other members to block his path, but somehow Nick rolls Uno up for a surprising three count after a Fatality attempt by Grayson

WINNERS: The Young Bucks

Backstage, Wardlow opens the door for a cocky MJF who tells his female campaign member to “speak when she’s spoken to” and shoves Lee Johnson out of the way as he saunters down the hall.

We cut to Kenny Omega and Hangman Page on who their favorite tag team is of all time, Kenny takes hold and says The Young Bucks. Hangman says he was going to say themselves.

MJF begins to make his way to the ring for his weekly address to the AEW faithful.

MJF’s Address

MJF instructs his campaign manager Nina to smile as she shows the audience some polling numbers. He has a 500% approval rating while Moxley has -1000%. He says “Dictator Jon” doesn;t care about the fans because he isn’t here tonight, but MJF is. He’s man enough to admit he take partial responsibily for Mox’s abcsense because he’s afraid of change and him.

Mox isn’t used to not having a pro wrestler like MJF look up at the lights for him. MJF wants Jon to feel more comfortable so he lays in the middle of the ring. “Feel more comfortable?” he asks. He says Mox isn’t a leader, but he’s a rapid dog chasing cars. He however happened to catch the finest car on earth, the AEW World Title. If he did care about the fans, he’d fork the keys over to MJF because he knows, and the folks at home know that “we deserve better.” Suddenly Moxley’s music hits and instructs his “security” to guard the “voms” of the arena. Here comes Mox out of the entrance way and begins to attack MJF. He macks MHF with a paradigm shift before walking his way to the back. He grabs a mic in gorilla.

He says that they’re not going to be even until September 5 at All Out. He’s going to make sure that this will be a very bitter pill for MJF to swallow. Max is screaming about his neck in the ring as Wardlow tends to him.

Alex Marvez is backstage with Matt Hardy. It’s going to be ten days until Matt is cleared to compete, but he’s not going anywhere. He’s going to wait for Sammy Guevara tonight. Matt says he likes the taste of his own blood. He sees someone who he thinks to be Sammy and slams him into a nearby garage door. It happens to be refereee Mike Posey.

We see a “No Admittance” door backstage, but the camera zooms out to reveal it’s actually constructed in front of the entrance tunnel. Scorpio Sky kicks his way through and it means that the TNT Title match is next.

TNT Championship Match
Scorpio Sky vs. Cody Rhodes (c)

Cody comes out with the new and improved TNT Title and with the whole crew of The Nightmare Family including Brandi, Dustin, QT Marshall and Allie.

Official introductions are made by Justin Roberts. Mike Chioda is the official of the match!

THe bell rings and the two fist pump and lock up. The two trade a series of takedown before Sky headlocks Cody. A shoulder block followed by leap frogs gets Cody flustered as he collects himself on the outside.

Side headlock by Sky and a shoulder block doesn’t send Cody down who flexes. Cody sends him tumbling to the outside as Cody offers him the ropes to come back in. Sky doesn’t bite. Punches by Sky, a kick to the head, but Cody clotheslines them both onto the outside once more. The two begin to brawl.

Action soon gets back inside the ropes and a powerslam by Cody leads us into a picture-in-picture commercial break. During this Cody hits a stalling front suplex before locking Sky in a bow and arrow lock on the matt. Sky rolls over on a lateral press for two. Cody catches him in the corner for sunset flip for two.

Sky catches Cody in the ribs. He props Cody on the top rope and feeds forearms into Cody’s back.

He grabs the arm and leg of Cody and pulls Cody’s ribs right into the ring post.

Back in the ring, Scorpio locks Cody in an abdominal stretch. Cody counters, but Sky hits a cutter over the top rope onto the entryway, showing shades of Myron Reed.

He goes for a Perfect Plex, but Sky’s back is bugging him after that stage cutter. Cody plants Sky hard with a superplex but Sky catches his legs for a small package. Two count.

Sky goes for a TKO, but Cody reverses it for a Cross Rhodes, but it’s only good for two.

Cody picks him up for a tombstone, Sky reverses it and the two catch one another in mid air. Sky covers, but Chioda only gets to two.

Cody however, does catch Sky with a second Cross Rhodes and that’s good enoug for the three count and the victory.

WINNER and STILL TNT Champion: Cody Rhodes

Post-match, Brodie Lee comes on the big screen. Lee says The Elite has been dispatched. On Saturday, August 22, Lee challenges Cody for the belt.

Private Party is asked who their favorite tag team of all time is: it’s The Hardy Boyz as they show old school photos of Matt and Jeff.

AEW Tag Team Titles Match
Jurassic Express vs. Kenny Omega & Adam Page (c)

Jungle Boy and Omega start things off. Not long before Marko Stunt gets on the apron. Kenny slaps him. The two reset. Jungle Boy trips him up for a quick roll up. Fireman’s carry into an armbar. He then springboard armdrags Kenny and dropkicks him down. One count. Luchasaurus gets the tag. He feeds Jungle Boy to Omega for a downward spiral. Two count.

Omega and Lucha trade shots. Kenny is cornered as JB tags himself in. A double team top rope senton gets another two count. Schiavone notes that Omega is injured.

Kenny hits a double axe handle on JB and headlocks JB as Hangman tags himself in. Hard clothesline to JB gets a two count.

He catches JB with a hard bodyslam and snap suplex for a close fall on Jungle Boy. Front headlock by Hangman drags JB over as Kenny Omega for a tag.Both men trade chops onto JB, but Jungle Boy chops away at both of them. Hangman knocks JB onto the outside as we go to picture-in-picture. JR is feeling his oats tonight on commentary with a few zingers.

Back from commercial Luchasaurus is showing his strength and athleticism against his opponents. Hard chokeslam on Hangman for two. Frankie Kazarian is shown sitting alone in the audience. Lucha gets caught on the ropes after a missed front pump kick and Kenny smacks him with two snap dragon suplexes. He then delivers a snap dragon to both Marko Stunt and a diving Jungle Boy.

Back in the ring, Hangman and Omega try to double team, Luchasaurus, but the two actually catch JB with a double powerbomb. Hangman goes for a Buckshot lariat, but Luchasaurus hits them both with a double team.

JB hits a tope suicida onto Kenny and not long after finds a Marko Stunt pressed on top of him from the ring by Luchasaurus. Kenny, however, manages to make a pinfall save for his partner.

Hangman launches Jungle Boy onto the outside as Kenny suicide dives on top of their opponents. Big powerbomb by Hangman onto JB for a two count.

Buckshot V-Trigger (Last Call) by Hangman and Omega for the pinfall win.

WINNERs and STILL AEW Tag Team Champions: Kenny Omega & Hangman Page

Backstage we see Santana and Ortiz have hold of The Best Friends’ gear and bags. They toss it in the locker room shower before dumping bleach all over it.

Back from break, The Butcher and The Blade pick the Road Warriors as their favorite tag team.

Tag Team Appreciation

It’s The Young Bucks, Rock ‘N Roll Express and, Arn & Tully and FTR in the ring. THe Young Bucks thank Ricky and Robert for their influences. Dax Harwood admits that he’s a mark for both teams. Because of them, they get to make a living doing tag team wrestling. Dax says that he gets to give his family the lives he never had growing up and thanks the four of them. Ricky Morton grabs the mic and says he watches AEW every week. He’s never seen so much chemistry with FTR since Arn and Tully. He then tells The Bucks they are the best tag team they’ve seen in a long time. Arn grabs the mic next and wants to catch Tully up. Arn tells The Bucks that they’ve taken tag wrestling to something entirely different and his hats are off to them. He notes that RNR have been going for 40 years and it’s impressive. He notes that FTR are the best team going. Ricky goes to speak again, but Tully grabs the mic and he tells Ricky to step off. He says that Tom Brady is the best because he’s got all the rings, but none of the these teams have won anything. Tully turns to Arn and he says that he doesn’t understand his alliance with The Nightmare Family. That causes Arn to be miffed and he leaves. Ricky decks Tully as everyone gets separated and Dax hurts his knee again. In comes Shawn Spears to settle things down to. Suddenly, FTR attack Rock ‘N Roll Express and then spike piledrive Ricky Morton. The Bucks look after the best seller in the biz as Hangman and Omega enter as the two stare off at FTR.

Mike Chioda is backstage and Chris Jericho comes in. He reminds Chioda that he saved his job back in the day and wants him to do the right thing. Chioda says he’s going to call it right down the middle. Jericho takes it with a wink and a nod, saying that he could get him a job once more, but this time in AEW.

Heather Monroe vs. Hikaru Shida

Monroe, making her AEW debut, comes after Shida hard but a knee to Heather halts her efforts.  Monroe soon double foot stomps Shida on the back and gets a near fall. Shida, however, suplexs Monroe into the turnbuckles. Shida goes to slam Monroe down for a falcon arrow, but Monroe counters for a roll up. Shida cinches Monroe in her stretch muffler finisher for the submission win.

WINNER: Hikaru Shida

Post-match, Shida tells her challengers to “bring it on.”

We see Jake The Snake backstage as he talks about instilling fear into opponents as Lance Archer attacks some folks in the background before he stops Jake. He asks Jake if he “told them.” Jake says “not yet” so Archer rips off Jakes $300 shirt to spin the legend around. “Everybody Dies” is written on his back.

Orange Cassidy vs. Chris Jericho

Before the match begins, Tony Schiavone and JR wish the legendary Bob Caudle a happy belated birthday.

Bell rings and the two come firing at one another. Cassidy gets the upperhand with some hard punches and hits him with a flying shoulder block. Chris tumbles to the outside. He launches himself onto Jericho as the two brawl on the outside.

Jericho gets sent into the barricade and soon after Orange comes jumping off onto the outside with his hands in his pockets on top of Jericho. Cassidy gets a near fall in the ring. Cassidy goes for a Superman punch, but Jericho kicks him down.

Jericho begins to go more on the offensive as we get to picture-in-picture.

Back from break, Jericho continues his dominance. He hits a lionsault for a near fall. He mocks Orange as he struggles to his feet. Orange plays possum, lightly slapping Jericho, but then kicks him down. He soon hits a high cross-body for a close call. Cassidy hits two dragonscrews and goes for a third, but Jericho quickly finds an opportunity to lock in a Walls of Jericho.

He’s mid-ring for awhile, but Orange escapes with a small package to break the hold and get a two count. Cassidy locks in an ankle lock. Jericho struggles, but kicks free. Jericho lifts him up for a suplex, but Orange reverses. Chris hits Cassidy with a Codebreaker, but Cassidy kicks out. Jericho grabs hold of Floyd and tells Chioda to turn his back. Chioda teases that he does, but pulls the bat away. Cassidy hits Jericho with a Michinoku Driver, and then hits Jericho with an Orange Punch. Out comes Santana and Ortiz and The Best Friends who brawl on stage. Hager slams Cassidy down. Jericho covers, but Orange gets a shoulder up.

Jericho soon goes for a Judas Effect, but Cassidy ducks and cradles Chris up for the upset win!

WINNER: Orange Cassidy

The show ends with Jericho beside himself from the loss.

Have compliments, complaints or want to air your grievances like Frank Constanza at Festivus? Send an email to to get answered on our weekly AEW broadcast of 2 Dynamite Dudes With Attitude.