AEW Dynamite Results

AEW Dynamite Results (8/5/2020)

AEW Dynamite Results

Before Dynamite gets underway, AEW put out a pre-show to set the stage for tonight’s action:

The Elite and FTR vs. Dark Order

The show started with the action already in the ring and at the start of the bell, Brodie Lee kicked off action for The Dark Order. Early on, Young Bucks show their mastery of Tag Team Action. Quickly, the action breaks down and I made all of the chaos, Dax Harwood suffers an injury and is taken to the back by Wheeler and Page. For a short. Of time, Kenny Omega was left all by himself facing the six members of the Dark Order.

Matt Jackson eventually gets tagged in and they get a brief moment of Hope before the numbers game outweighs them again. Finally, Adam Page would come back and clean house with Brodie Lee staring him down. Page takes out most of Dark Order with a top rope moonsault. Page gets V back in the ring and Lee tags into the match, Page and Lee exchange strikes in the middle of the ring. Eventually, The Elite get back in and everybody gets a superkick, Kenny set up for the last call but the dark order would take out all of the members of the elite and leave Adam susceptible to a Discus Lariat which would get the win for The Dark Order.

WINNERS: Dark Order

Jon Moxley and Darby Allen set the stage for their match tonight.

Proud N’ Powerful vs. Best Friends

For the majority of the match, PnP would take it to the Best Friends. Taylor breaks up the Street Sweeper attempt. Best Friends gain control before Trent hits Santana with a tornado DDT, Best Friends hug after clearing the ring. Later on down the line, Best Friends then hit Ortiz with a superplex, Santana returns and he knocks Taylor to the arena floor before throwing him into the barricade. Ortiz recovers and he attacks the injured back of Trent, Santana tags in and he catches Trent with a cutter.

The duo set up for the street sweeper but Taylor comes in to prevent it and Trent shocks Ortiz with a roll up victory.

WINNER: Best Friends

MJF Update:

Matt Hardy is out to cut a promo about how he wants to be his true self and not a character anymore. He ends up brawling with Sammy Guevara who leaves him bloody.

Backstage, PNP wreck Trent’s mom’s van.

Cody and Matt Cardona vs John Silver and Alex Reynolds

For the majority of this match, John Silver and Alex Reynolds got heat on Cody Rhodes. When Cody finally did get the hot tag into the former Zack Ryder, it was very much his greatest hits from WWE. he did his standard come back from the WWE video games without the Broski boot. Cardona lands a through the ropes dropkick on Dark Order. Cardona then hits Reynolds with a sit-out Tiger Driver for a near fall, Silver interferes and Cody nails him with a Cody Cutter, Reynolds knocks Cody out of the ring before double teaming Cardona with Silver for a near fall.

In the end, Cody and Silver then suplex each other out of the ring. Reynolds returns to the ring and Cardona nails him with Radio Silence for the win.

WINNERS: Cody Rhodes and Matt Cardona

After the match, Scorpio Sky appeared and made his intentions clear. He wants to face Cody Rhodes for the TNT Championship.

Up next, the Orange Cassidy and Chris Jericho debate hosted by Eric Bischoff.

For the majority of the debate, Cassidy was very Cassidy and didn’t say much, but he did answer a question about global warming very intellectually. In the end, Orange actually fires up until Chris Jericho that he would embarrass him next week to the segment ends with Jericho nailing the Judas Effect elbow.

Back from break, Britt Baker makes Reba AKA Rebel get in the ring with Big Swole.

Big Swolve vs. Reba (?)

Early on, Big Swole is in complete control. eventually, the former TNA Knockout would get some licks in. Britt Baker would demand that she go up for a moonsault but she would get scared and it would inevitably be her downfall. swole would move and nail Dirty Dancing to secure the victory.


Set for next week, Chris Jericho will face Orange Cassidy. Cody Rhodes will defend the TNT Championship against Scorpio Sky. Also, it’s Tag Team Appreciation Night. 2 tag team matches are scheduled as well as an appearance by The Brain Busters and The Rock and Roll Express

For the most part, the match started out back and forth with Moxley continuing to tell Darby that when he says it’s time to give up the fight, Darby better listen. Moxley nails Allin with a suplex throw. Allin rolls out of the ring before clotheslining Moxley on the top rope, Allin charges Moxley and they both fall out of the ring.

Later in the match, with both men down, Maxwell Jacob Friedman comes in and nails Jon Moxley with his championship belt. This causes Moxley to bleed.

Darby Allen tries to take advantage of this but only gets a two-count off of a coffin drop. Darby then hit his signature offense including his up and over Stone Cold Stunner. another coffin drop attempt would lead to Jon Moxley locking in a rear-naked choke. Darby would not tap, a piledriver would also only get a two-count. Jon Moxley would eventually win with a Paradigm Shift DDT. As the show goes off the air, Jon Moxley would embrace Darby Allin.

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