heath slater
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Heath Slater & Wes Brisco On Breaking In With FCW, Calling Matches In The Ring

On the latest edition of Brisco and Big Ace, Wes Brisco and Heath Slater discussed their time in FCW, learning under Dr. Tom Prichard and Dusty Rhodes, the high’s and low’s of the Nexus angle, and much more. You can check out a few highlights below:

Wes Brisco on breaking into FCW and having a hard time: 

“Heath was already there.  Believe it or not, Heath was the first person to be cool with me… A lot of people weren’t necessarily too kind to me.  FCW was a shark tank.  It was no Performance Center, it was a shark’s tank.  A lot of people, you know, they weren’t cool with me.  Heath was the first one to actually introduce himself and kinda be cool.  I had no idea because I was coming from the extreme sports background… Heath was the coolest dude ever, and we kinda just hit it off and became friends.”

Heath Slater on Wes Brisco: 

“Everyone was intimidated by Wes a little bit, (that’s) what it was.  He comes in being a little shooter, and we all know he is.  Plus he’s on this wakeboard doing flips in the daggone water and all this crazy (stuff).  He’s in magazines and all this other stuff being put over… Then his family’s legacy, and everyone is like ‘watch out, he might shoot on you.’  But you know, Wes came in genuine, nice, humble, and a cool dude, so of course I said ‘hey man, what’s up’ and we just got to know each other.  Now (it’s) 12 years later and we’re still friends”.

Heath Slater on forcing Wes to call matches in the ring: 

“You can call stuff in the back, you can memorize it this and that, but that’s just going through the motions.  You gotta switch that (stuff) up.  Wes, we already knew he was capable of doing it, we just wanted to see if he could listen and do it.  And he followed correctly and it was great.”

Wes Brisco on Dr Tom Prichard: 

“It didn’t matter who I was wrestling, what style, it just didn’t matter.  Dr Tom’s bunch of guys that came out of there were guys that could work any style and have a great match with anybody.”

Check out the full interview below:

Related: Heath Slater On Closing A Chapter, Ruby Riott On Why She Turned On Liv Morgan