Low Ki
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Low Ki Is Encouraging Anti-Mask Wearers To Lie About Having Disabilities

Despite most of the wrestling industry taking shots at him and being sent educational documents about how wearing a mask can help prevent the spread of COVID-19, Low Ki is doubling down on not wanting to wear a mask.

The “One World Warrior” has now posted a false image online encouraging those that don’t want to wear a mask to lie and say that they have a disability that prevents them from wearing one. The image, which falsely calls HIPAA by the acronym “HIPPA” as if it didn’t seem ridiculous enough, tells people to say that a face mask “poses a mental and/or physical health risk” to them. It then tries to bully small businesses into disobeying laws by talking about a fine due to the Americans with Disabilities Act, which it falsely calls the “American’s with Disabilities ACT.”

You can check out the false and dangerous message Low Ki is sending below:

The ADA itself has warned against the spread of said image:

“The Department of Justice has been made aware of postings or flyers on the internet regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the use of face masks due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many of which include the Department of Justice’s seal,” said the ADA on its official site. “These postings were not issued by the Department and are not endorsed by the Department. The Department urges the public not to rely on the information contained in these postings and to visit ADA.gov for ADA information issued by the Department.”

RELATED: Low-Ki’s Public Refusal To Wear A Mask Riles Up Wrestling World