nxt takeover in your house

WWE NXT TakeOver: In Your House Results (6/7/20)

NXT Championship Backlot Brawl Match: Adam Cole (c) vs. Velveteen Dream

The set up for this match is there is a wrestling ring outside surrounded by cars. Adam Cole arrives via a custom Undisputed Era truck. Cole says no one is going to beat him because he runs NXT. Dream arrives in a yellow lambo. Dream steps out of the car and he is dress like Negan from The Walking Dead. Dream is carrying a bat. The referee tells Cole and Dream that anything goes in this match. He is only here to count the fall and the match must be won in the middle of the ring. Dream is in the ring waiting for Cole. Cole refuses to get in the ring until Dream drops the bat. Dream drops it out of the ring. Dream tosses his shirt at Cole. Cole charges in and gets rolled up. Cole kicks out. Dream keeps going for quick pins. Cole catches Dream with a boot to the face.

Cole says Dream doesn’t deserve the title shot so he’s leaving. Cole grabs the title and gets in a random car. Dream follows and takes his bat to the car. Cole eventually gets out of the car. Dream and Cole exchange punches. As they are brawling, a woman pulls up and asks if someone called for an Uber. Dream tosses Cole into the Uber. After getting beatdown, Cole falls out of the car. Dream tosses Cole into a trash can. Cole narrowly avoids getting hit with a trash can. Cole trips Dream into a metal pole. Cole tries to run away again. None of the doors Cole tries will open. Dream screams for Cole to “come out, come out, where ever you are”. Cole sprays Dream with a fire extinguisher. Cole lays into Dream with punches and kicks. Cole knocks Dream back over to the ring. Cole yells at Dream to just quit.



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