nxt takeover in your house

WWE NXT TakeOver: In Your House Results (6/7/20)

WWE NXT TakeOver: In Your House Results
June 7, 2020
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Shotzi Blackheart, Tegan Nox, and Mia Yim vs. Dakota Kai, Raquel Gonzalez, and Candice LeRae

LeRae gets in the ring to start the match. Yim wants a piece of LeRae, so naturally, LeRae tags I n Gonzalez. Gonzalez almost suplexes Yim but Yim escapes. Nox tags in and gets run over by Gonzalez. Kai tags. Nox almost lands a chokeslam, but Kai escapes. Kai rolls up Nox. Nox kicks out. Nox sends Kai into the corner. Nox flattens Kai with her patented running cannonball. Blackheart tags in and eats a scorpion kick from Kai. Blackheart kicks out. LeRae misses a senton. LeRae gets knocked to the outside by Blackheart. Everyone lands a dive, capped off by a Molly Go Round off the top to the outside by Nox. Nox takes everyone out in the process.

Blackheart takes LeRae down with a meteora off the top. LeRae kicks out. Blackheart puts LeRae in cattle Mutilation. LeRae breaks up the submission with a boot to Blackhearts gut. Kai and Co take turns working over Blackheart. Blackheart manages to tag in Yim. Yim unloads on LeRae. Yim dragon suplexes LeRae for a near fall. LeRae counters Sole Food with a capture suplex. Nox tags in as Gonzalez does. Nox runs into a powerbomb by Gonzalez. Yim breaks up the pin. Gonzalez sends Yim to the outside. Yim and LeRae fight into the back. Back in the ring, Kai accidentally boots Gonzalez in the face. Nox chokeslams Kai. Blackheart (with an assist from Nox) lands Sliced Bread #2 on Gonzalez. Nox blasts Kai with the Shiniest Wizard for the win.

Winners- Shotzi Blackheart, Tegan Nox, and Mia Yim

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