nxt takeover in your house

WWE NXT TakeOver: In Your House Results (6/7/20)

North American Championship Match:  Keith Lee (c) vs. Johnny Gargano

Gargano puts the key to the In Your House door in his trunks. Gargano runs around trying to avoid Lee. Gargano tries a diver but Lee catches him. Lee tries to powerbomb Gargano but Gargano hops onto the apron. Superkick by Gargano. Gargano tries a senton off the apron. Lee catches Gargano again. Gargano pokes Lee in the eye. Gargano tries to kick the steps into Lee’s hand. Lee avoids it. Gargano tries to leave but the door to the In Your House set is locked. Lee slams Gargano’s head into the door. Grizzly Magnum by Lee. Lee tosses Gargano down the ramp. As Lee is getting into the ring, Gargano meets him with a stomp. Gargano tries to work over Lee’s previously injured hand. Lee punches Gargano with his bad hand. Lee clutches as his hand. Gargano stomps on Lee’s hand. Gargano traps Lee in the corner.

Gargano goes after Lee’s eye again. Gargano kicks Lee in the face. Gargano works over Lee. Gargano tries a spear but Lee clubs him out of the air.  Lee and Gargano trade strikes. Gargano arm Barr. Lee tries to power out of it but Gargano goes after Lee’s Injured hand. Lee powers through and powerbombs Gargano down to the mat. Gargano superkicks Lee. Lee slams Gargano. Gargano rolls out of the ring to avoid getting pinned. Gargano dives through the ropes and drops Lee with a DDT. Lee is out on the floor. Gargano can’t lift Lee back into the ring. The referee almost counts them both out but Gargano breaks the count. Gargano rolls back to the outside. Lee pounces Gargano through the plexiglass attached to the barricade. Gargano lands in the crowd.

Lee carries Gargano back to the ring. LeRae runs down to the ring but Yim is right behind her. Yim beats the crap out of LeRae. In the confusion, Gargano stabs Lee in the eye with the key. Gargano hits the slingshot DDT. Lee kicks out. Gargano kicks Lee in the head over and over again but Lee keeps kicking out. Lee grabs Gargano by the throat and hits the Spirit Bomb. Lee grabs Gargano and powerbombs him again. Lee finally puts Gargano down with the Big Bang Catastrophe for the win.

Winner and STILL North American Champion, Keith Lee!


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