WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (6/5/20)

June 5, 2020
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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In-Ring Segment: Jeff Hardy

Hardy says he has something to get off his chest. Last week the WWE Universe witnessed something terrible. Hardy wants to paint the WWE Universe a picture from his point of view. Hardy says when he arrived at the arena he was hit over the head and when he woke up he reeked of alcohol and was being questioned by the police. Hardy says he had to question everything he worked for over the last eight months. How could he let his family down like this? How many more times can he beg for forgiveness? Hardy knew deep down in his heart that he didn’t slip last Friday.

At the police station, they gave him ever sobriety test they could and he passed ever one. The eyewitnesses at the police station stated the person who ran away from the scene had red hair and a red beard. Sheamus tried to take everything from him and he’ll be damned if he lets Sheamus get away with it. Sheamus walks out on the ramp and says Hardy is always blaming someone else. The fans that lied to the cops on Hardy’s behalf are worst than Hardy himself. They are enablers. Sheamus tells Hardy to be a man an admit to what he did. Sheamus says Hardy isn’t a man, he’s just a junkie. Hardy charges up the ramp after Sheamus. Hardy avoids a Brogue Kick. Hardy double legs Sheamus. Sheamus escapes and Brogue Kicks Hardy. Sheamus tosses Hardy into the plexiglass barricade over and over again.

Friday Night SmackDown Results Continue On The Next Page!