Seth Rollins is speaking out against Jim Cornette and the comments he made about Becky Lynch and her pregnancy.
Following the announcement of Becky Lynch’s pregnancy and vacating of the WWE Raw Women’s Championship, many in the wrestling industry were very positive and gleeful for Becky and her fiance, WWE Superstar Seth Rollins.
One person who was not so gleeful is legendary wrestling manager Jim Cornette. Jim would take to his podcast to blast Becky’s decision to have a child at the height of her superstardom, saying that she should have waited until her career was over and made all the money she can.
“This is a multi-million dollar talent and she tells me she’s pregnant? What the fuck?” Cornette said. “This is like one of the boys breaking his leg on purpose while he’s on top. You can control this, this is not like a fuckin’ injury. This could have been controlled. It’s not like I don’t ever want them to have children, but when both of you have top spots where you can make seven fuckin’ figures a year and blah, blah, blah. Wait three years and have a fuckin’ baby.”
Seth Rollins is now taking up for his wife-to-be and her decision on the latest episode of the WWE After The Bell podcast. Rollins, who worked with Jim during his time in Ring of Honor, said that he had lost a lot of respect for Jim Cornette after he made those comments and would go on to say that Jim’s mindset needs to be eradicated from the industry as a whole.
“It hurt my feelings on a personal level because Jim Cornette, that is someone who is a legend in our industry and he’s someone that I’ve personally worked with in my time at Ring of Honor, and for him to come out and say some real negative things, some real misogynist things about women in general and pregnancy in the industry,” he began. “It was just it kind of caught me off guard and it made me lose a lot of respect for someone that, you know, who a lot of people had already kind of lost respect for. I was still holding on to hope that somewhere along the line, it was a personal connection between Jim and I that, you know, he would think twice before making just some egregious comments about women, about my wife that were just completely I can’t even forgive them. I don’t even want to repeat them.
“On a grander scale, the mindset that has to go into that needs to be eradicated all around. It’s just so disgusting. And, you know, the more I sat and thought about it, talked about it, I knew we had this appearance coming up and we’re going to have this conversation. I wanted to address it just because I want to make it very clear that, you know, I’m so proud of my fiance, of Becky, of what she’s doing and the courage that it takes for her at this point in her career to make a decision. She’s 33 years old. So, once you hit thirty-five for women, you start running risks with these pregnancies. So, she made an incredibly tough decision. She went out there on national television. She had to say things the way she wanted to do. The fact of the matter is, she is the most talented woman I’ve ever seen in my entire life. And she’s going to be just fine. Being pregnant, making money, doing alright. So, everything that Jim Cornette said is complete nonsense, not just for her, but for women all around the globe,” he continued.
Rollins had previously stated in a Twitter post that their baby is due in December and that he could not wait for the day he became a father.
If you use any of the quotes above, please credit Robert DeFelice of WrestleZone for the transcription.