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Epico Colon Reveals Vince McMahon Gave The OK For Carlito’s Return To WWE

In an age when stars like MVP and John Morrison are returning to the WWE fold, you have to wonder why Carlito never made the trek back. Mr. Carribian Cool was one of the biggest rising stars around the time of his debut and left in 2010. Since then, he’s worked mainly in Peurto Rico, honing his craft in a way that many stars of his generation have outside of the company.

According to the recently released Epico, plans were in motion, but they fell through due to backstage politics. Talking with SuperLuchas, Epico explains why Carlito never departed the Shining Star of the Caribbean.

Vince approved the idea, but after several weeks we realized that Carlito’s return to the company wasn’t going to materialize.

Elsewhere in the interview, Epico claims that Carlito was given an offer, but the money was equal to a developmental star appearing in NXT for the first time. Considering that he was a former Intercontinental Champion, Carlito declined the offer and nothing else was said.

Considering that all three wrestling Colons are now reunited in Peurto Rico (and have been for some time), it might be all for the best, but it’s a shame we may never see the apple spitter have another run under the big lights.

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