WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (5/6/20)

WWE NXT Results
May 6, 2020
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Johnny Gargano vs. Dominik Dijakovic

Gargano pokes Dijakovic in the eye. Gargano tries to stick and move but Dijakovic floors him with a right hook. Dijakovic tosses Gargano all over the ring. Gargano surprises Dijakovic with a back elbow. Gargano stomps Dijakovic in the corner. Dijakovic manages to land a lariat. Gargano kicks out. Dijakovic launches Gargano with a standing release suplex. As Dijakovic lands a backbreaker, Candice LeRae runs down to ringside. While Dijakovic is distracted, Gargano pushes Dijakovic off the top rope. Dijakovic lands back first on the apron. Suicide dive by Gargano. After the break, Gargano walks into a big boot from Dijakovic.

Dijakovic blocks Gargano’s superkick and sets up Feast Your Eyes. Gargano blocks it and hits a superkick. Dijakovic kicks out. Gargano pulls off one of the turnbuckle pads. The referee puts it back on. Dijakovic chokeslams Gargano. Dijakovic goes up top for a moonsault. Gargano cuts Dijakovic off. Gargano tries a sunset bomb but Dijakovic lands on his feet and superkicks Gargano. Dijakovic tries to powerbomb Gargano out of the corner. Gargano pulls the turnbuckle pad off. Gargano sends Dijakovic into the exposed ring post with a ranna. Gargano hits the slingshot DDT for the win.

Winner- Johnny Gargano

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