WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (4/24/20)

Money in the Bank Qualifier Match: Sasha Banks w/Baley vs. Lacey Evans

Banks walks to the ring with a fan with Evans’ daughter’s picture on it. Bayley taunts Evans with the fan. Evans lunges at Bayley. Banks attacks Evans from behind. Evans sends Banks out to the floor. Evans gets in Bayley’s face. Banks pushes Evans into the ring post. Evans injures her right hand in the process. Banks works over Evans’ hand. Banks misses her corner double knee strike. Evans tries to set up her handstand bronco buster but her hand buckles. Banks kicks Evans’ hand into the ring post. Meteora off the top by Banks. Evans kicks out. Banks gets caught up in the corner.

Evans hits a reverse version of her bronco buster. Evans slams Banks head into the ring post over and over again. Evans and Banks fight on the top rope. Banks slips of the top. Banks crushes Evans’ hand into the turnbuckle. Banks puts Evans in the Banks Statement. Evans fights out of the hold and hits a Women’s Right. Evans tries to pin Banks but Bayley puts Banks’ foot on the bottom rope. Banks rolls up Evans but thee referee is arguing with Bayley. Banks has Evans down for at least an eight count. Banks tells Bayley to stay out of this. Evans hits another Women’s Right for the win.

Winner- Lacey Evans

After the match, Bayley helps Banks out of the ring. Tamina walks out on the stage and Superkicks Bayley while Banks watches.

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