WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (4/24/20)

Backstage, Miz and Morrison are complaining about being interrupted. Renee Young asks them what they are going to do about The Forgotten Sons. Miz says nothing. Lucha House Party started the whole thing. They want a match with LHP tonight!

Money in the Bank Qualifier Match: Drew Gulak w/Daniel Bryan vs. King Corbin

Corbin tosses Gulak out of the ring. Corbin yells that Gulak doesn’t belong in the ring with him. This ring is for big boys. Gulak takes down Corbin. Corbin pushes Gulak away. Corbin catches Gulak with a stiff shot to the gut. Corbin lands a few strikes. Gulak dropkicks Gulak in the leg. Corbin falls to the outside. Gulak catches Corbin with a baseball slide. Before Corbin can react, Gulak connects with a front dropkick that sends Corbin flying over the announce desk. Gulak stands on the announce desk and surveys the damage.

After the break, Corbin drops Gulak with the spin cycle. Gulak kicks out. Corbin drives Gulak back and stomps him into the corner. Gulak fires up and lands a few strikes. Crossbody by Gulak. Gulak kicks out.  Corbin falls to the outside. Gulak dragon screws Corbin into the ring steps. Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro pulls Bryan over the barricade and launch him into the LED board. Gulak tries to rescue Bryan but Corbin pushes him into the ring post. Corbin hits End of Days for the win.

Winner- Baron Corbin

After the match, Nakamura and Cesaro hold Gulak while Corbin hits him in the head with his scepter.

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