matt riddle
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons / ZekeDane

Matt Riddle Defeats Roderick Strong, Gets Attacked By Rinku Singh & Saurav Gurjar

Tonight’s episode of NXT saw a handful of new debuts, as Rinku Singh & Saurav Gurjar made their way to the ring after Matt Riddle defeated Roderick Strong to say hello the only way they knew how.

After Riddle took down Strong with a Broderek for the win, he was quickly attacked by the two large men. As that happened, Malcolm Bivens – the manager of the two – also came out to the ring for his debut, taking a microphone and telling Riddle that he’d like to introduce him to the future of NXT’s tag team division. The two men sure looked the part, as they had no trouble taking down Riddle in brutal fashion.

For a brief recap on how the match between Riddle and Strong ended, check out below:

Strong and Riddle exchange takedowns. Strong lights Riddle up with a few chops. Strong whips Riddle into the turnbuckle. After the break, Strong has Riddle in a modified camel clutch. Riddle surprises Strong with an overhead kick. Riddle hits the Bro to sleep followed by a German Suplex hold. Strong kicks out. Strong counter Broderek and hits the Angle Slam. Riddle kicks out. Strong tries his running elbow strikes but Riddle reverses it into Broderek for the win.

RELATED: WWE NXT Results (3/25/20)