WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (3/13/20)

Baron Corbin vs. Jeff Hardy

Corbin tosses Hardy out of the ring before the bell ring. The referee checks on Hardy to see if he can continue. Elias is at the commentary desk for the match. Corbin misses a clothesline. Hardy lands one. Inverted atomic drop by Hardy. Corbin surprises Hardy with deep-six. Hardy kicks out. Elias stands on the commentary desk and plays his guitar. While Corbin is distracted, Hardy lands the Twist of Fury followed by the Swanton Bomb for the win.

Winner- Jeff Hardy

In-Segment: John Cena

Michael Cole asks Cena about his original match with Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania a few years ago. Wyatt says his loss to Cena led to his downward spiral that created The Fiend. Cena says Wyatt isn’t the first person to say that. Wyatt’s problem is he got lazy. Cena lists all the times he got destroyed. No matter what happens, Cena keeps fighting. Anyone who thinks Cena is the reason they haven’t succeeded can come to see him. Cena will give them an Attitude Adjustment.  Cena doesn’t think Wyatt is the future. Names like Ripley, Ciampa, Velveteen Dream are the future. WWE should invest in them. Wyatt walks down to the ring and says even though Cena said some hurtful thing, he is happy to see him. Wyatt says he isn’t sick, Cena is. Wyatt knows Cena doesn’t care about the future. Cena doesn’t care about the future, Cena cares about Cena. Wyatt says Cena broke him but The Fiend put him back together. At WrestleMania, it’s going to be a slaughter. Cena needs to Let Him In.



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