WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (3/13/20)

March 13, 2020
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Via the performance center, Triple H introduces the show. Tonight the show will not have an audience.

Triple H is doing commentary with Michael Cole.

In-Ring Segment: Sasha Banks and Bayley

Bayley says they are the face of the women’s division. Banks says it doesn’t matter how many fans are there, this is their house. Bayley laughs and says she remembers that from Paige. Bayley asks Triple H at the desk where Paige is. Cole says Paige had travel issues. Nikki Cross and Alexa Bliss interrupt. Bliss says they called out the Kabuki Warriors but they are hiding on RAW. Bliss and Cross challenge Bayley and Banks to a match.

Nikki Cross and Alexa Bliss vs. Sasha Banks and Bayley

Bliss hits insult to injury on Bayley. After the break, Bayley is stomping Bliss in the corner. Banks tags in. Bliss slaps Banks, then lands a head-scissors. Banks responds with a double knee strike for a near fall. Banks and Bayley take turns working over Bliss. Bliss manages to tag in Cross. Cross clears the ring. Cross tries multiple pin attempts on Banks. Banks keeps kicking out. Cross hits a cross body off the top. Banks kicks out. Bliss decks Bayley before she can interfere. Asuka runs down to the ring and attacks Bliss. Banks puts Cross in the Banks Statement. Cross taps out.

Winners- Sasha Banks and Bayley

Friday Night SmackDown Results Continue On The Next Page!