WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (3/13/20)

In-Ring Segment: Miz and Morrison

Miz says they are winners and blah blah blah. Morrison says if there is anyone here who doesn’t think they are the greatest tag team ever speak up now. Obviously, there is no one in the crowd so you get the joke. Morrison and Miz make fun of the other tag teams and Orlando.

Daniel Bryan w/Drew Gulak vs. Cesaro w/Shinsuke Nakamura and Sami Zayn

As Bryan is making his entrance he is doing the yes chants. Bryan stops because there is no freaking crowd. Gulak hypes Bryan up to do the chants anyway, which he does.

After the break, Triple H is working a camera… for some reason.

Mojo Rawley is at the desk with Cole and Triple H. Rawley says nothing is officially signed, but Rob Gronkowski will be on SmackDown next week to address thee rumors. And YES, all of this is happening while Gulak and Bryan are waiting in the ring. Cesaro and Friends finally walk to the ring. Cesaro blasts Bryan with a European uppercut. After the break, Cesaro suplexes Bryan for a near fall. Swiss death uppercut by Cesaro. Cesaro puts Bryan in a crossface. Bryan turns it into a pin for the win.

Winner- Daniel Bryan

Nakamura and Zayn attack Bryan. Gulak tries to make the save but ends up being sent into the ring steps.

Friday Night SmackDown Results Continue On The Next Page!