IMPACT Wrestling Results

IMPACT Wrestling Results (3/10/20)

Backstage, Tessa Blanchard says she will be watching the Eddie Edwards/Michael Elgin match. No matter who wins, she is walking away from Rebellion still the world champion.

The Rascalz vs. The Desi Hit Squad w/Gamma Singh

Rohit floors Dez with a shoulder tackle. Rohit flexes. Dez trips Rohit. Dez lands a moonsault for a near fall. Rohit tags in Shera, who tosses Dez al over the ring. Shera and Rohit take turns working over Dez. Dez manages to tag in Wentz. Wentz clears the ring. Wentz gets a near fall after a PK. The Rascalz set up their finish. Shera breaks it up. Shera backbreakers Dez while Rohit hits a running knee. Dez lands a spin kick to Rohit, then Shera. Wentz and Dez unload on Shera with kick after kick. Wentz swanton bombs Shera. Dez lands the Final Flash for the win.

Winners- The Rascalz

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