IMPACT Wrestling Results

IMPACT Wrestling Results (3/3/20)

Su Yung vs. Havok

Yung attacks Havok as soon as the bell rings. Yung lands two running palm strikes in the corner. Yung tries to wrap a rope around Havok’s neck. Havok rolls out of the ring. Suicide dive by Yung. Yung hits a senton off the apron. Havok Samoan drops Yung on the stage. Havok slides a few weapons into the ring. Havok drops Yung on the ring steps face first. Yung and Havok both grab chairs. After a dueling chairs spot, Yung and Havok big boot each other at the same time. Havok tries to set up a top rope tombstone. Yung fights out of it. Yung puts a trash can on Havok’s head. Yung missile dropkicks the trash can. Havok ties Yung to the ring ropes. Yung blinds Havok with the mist. Yung puts Havok in the Mandible Claw. Havok fights out of it. Yung hits Havok with a kendo stick. Yung puts a noose on Havok and locks in a camel clutch while choking Havok. Havok is done.

Winner- Su Yung

After the match, the undead bridesmaids bring a casket out on the stage. Yung drags Havok up the ramp and places her inside. Before Yung can close the lid, Havok fights her way out of it. Havok runs away.

Glenn Gilbertti and Johnny Swinger vs. The Deaners

The Deaners hit their finish for the win.

Winners- The Deaners

Another ICU vignette breaks into the IMPACT feed again.

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