Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto
Photo Credit: Tim Steiner/KSWA

Pittsburgh Mayor Embraces ‘Heel Role’ To Live Wrestling Crowd (Video)

If you know the city of Pittsburgh, you know bike lanes are either a very positive or very touchy subject with the Steel City. The mayor of Pittsburgh, Bill Peduto, fully embraced the polarization inside the center of the squared circle on Saturday night.

The Pittsburgh-based promotion Keystone State Wrestling Alliance celebrated it’s 20th Anniversary over the weekend at Spirit Hall in the Lawrenceville neighborhood of the city and fans were surprised to see the mayor make an appearance to christen February  22, 2020 as “KSWA Day” in the city of bridges.  A big advocate of bike lanes and having Pittsburgh as a safe haven for refugees and immigrants, Peduto both gets praised and panned for his strong stances on matters, and the attendees as Spirit Hall leaned in favor of Bill being the ‘heel’ in this respect. Peduto didn’t let such matters phase him, as the mayor took to his role as the bad guy, playing into the crowd’s laments.

(Reacting to the crowd’s boos) “They’re saying Peduuuutes! Peduuuutes! Peduuutes! It’s great to see all you bike lane fans here in Lawrenceville! Friends of the beard and refugees, [Announcer “Trapper”] Tom [Leturgey] we have a very special anniversary happening this year, in a very special league,” stated the bearded Peduto, who then proceeded to rub his gray mane in the face of the raucous crowd before reading his official statement. You can check out the entire video below (courtesy of Ed Householder Jr.):

Wrestling hall of famer and legend, Domenic DeNucci was also in attendance last night, who Peduto happens to be a major fan of. DeNucci will be receiving The Trainer’s Award at this year’s 55th Cauliflower Alley Club Reunion in Las Vegas.

RELATED: Domenic DeNucci To Receive Trainer’s Award At 55th Cauliflower Alley Club Reunion