Kurt Angle
Photo Credit: WWE

Kurt Angle Talks Wanting To Wrestle Bret Hart, Why He Doesn’t Believe In Weight Cutting 

Kurt Angle recently took part in yet another Q&A session with his fans on Facebook, where the legendary wrestling superstar covered a ton of topics, including wanting to wrestle Bret Hart, his opinions on weight cutting, and much more.

Check out some of the highlights below:

On always wanting to wrestle Bret Hart:

Unfortunately, Bret got hurt and then had a stroke. But I always wanted to work with him. He was one of the best.

On weight cutting:

I don’t believe in cutting weight. I wrestled at 220lbs. I weighed 209lbs. I feel that if you have to cut weight you spend most of your time training to make weight instead of getting the most out of your training regimen.

On the most difficult decision he’s had to make in his career: 

Whether I should retire after I broke my neck several times. I decided to continue. I was very lucky to be able to.

RELATED: Kurt Angle Doesn’t Regret Initial Leave From WWE: ‘I Did It For My Own Benefit, For My Own Health’