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ROH Wrestling Results (2/10/20): Villain Enterprises vs. La Facción Ingobernable

ROH Wrestling Results 

Aired February 10, 2020

Report by Colin Tessier for

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The show opens with a video package recapping the feud between Villain Enterprises and La Facción Ingonbernable. Ian Riccaboni and Quinn McKay preview the show.

The show plays highlights of Flamita’s match with Flip Gordon from ROH Honor Reigns Supreme. The competitors trade high-flying offense. Gordon drops Flamita with a springboard spear. A crosssface earns Gordon the win. Gordon unmasks Flamita after the match.

Backstage, PJ Black tries coaching Brian Johnson, who rejects him. “Phase two is about to begin,” says Black.

Riccaboni and McKay preview ROH’s upcoming events, namely ROH Bound by Honor and ROH Gateway to Honor.

The show replays Bully Ray’s promo from ROH Saturday Night at Center Stage. He calls the fans puppets and calls out Maria Manic. She walks through the crowd and confronts Ray, who dares her to get into the ring. Then she spears Ray and hits him with a flurry of punches. Manic tries to powerbomb Ray through a table, but she gets attacked by the Allure. Angelina Love hits Manic with a high heel. The Allure holds Manic down wile Ray splashes her through a table.

ROH Wrestling Results continue on the next page!