WWE Royal Rumble preview

WWE Royal Rumble Results (1/26/20)

Main Card: 

Falls Count Anywhere Match: Roman Reigns vs. Baron Corbin

Reigns attacks Corbin’s security. Corbin attacks Reigns from behind., Reigns sends Corbin into the ring steps. corner 10 punches by Reigns. Side suplex by Reigns. Corbin kicks out. Reigns attempts the Superman punch but Corbin avoids it and lands the deep six for a near fall. Corbin tries to escape via the crowd. Reigns follows. Reigns and Corbin fight back to the ringside area. Corbin whacks Reigns in the gut with the ring bell. Corbin chokeslams Reigns on the announce table for a near fall. Reigns sends Corbin into the ring post. Reigns tries another Superman punch. Corbin sidesteps and chokeslams Reigns through the Spanish announce table. Corbin drags Reigns into the crowd.

Corbin slams Reigns headfirst into an equipment case. Reigns surprises Corbin with a Samoan drop through a table. Corbin stumbles to his feet. Reigns Samoan drops Corbin through another table. Corbin kicks out. Corbin crawls to the technical area. Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler attack Reigns from behind. The Usos make the save. Roode and Ziggler double team Jimmy. Jey dives off of a high ledge and takes out Roode and Ziggler. Corbin grabs Jey and suplexes him on a metal barricade. Reigns Superman punches Corbin twice. Reigns puts Corbin in a porta-potty and pushes it over. Corbin crawls out. Reigns beats Corbin into the dugout of the Astro’s Arena. Corbin and Reigns climb on top of the dugout. Reigns Spears Corbin for the win.

Winner- Roman Reigns

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