Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Andrade Retains WWE United States Championship Against Rey Mysterio, Unmasks Him

This week on WWE Monday Night RAW, Andrade defended the WWE United States Championship against Rey Mysterio. The competitors resumed their rivalry after Andrade won the championship from Mysterio at Madison Square Garden. Andrade quickly took the fight to Mysterio but the veteran dropped the champion with a headscissors takedown. Mysterio sent Andrade head-first into the steel steps. Andrade caught Mysterio in mid-air with a dropkick. Mysterio countered a sunset flip and kicked Andrade in the face.

The challenger hit a tornado DDT for a near fall. Andrade rocked Mysterio with double knees to the face. Mysterio almost rolled Andrade up but Andrade floored him with a stiff elbow to the head. The referee counted a pin for Mysterio but Vega put Andrade’s foot on the rope. The referee reversed his decision and continued the match.

Mysterio hit Andrade with a hurricanrana into the barricade. The challenger powerbombed Andrade into the ring post. A springboard legdrop got Mysterio another near fall. Andrade dropped Mysterio with a wheelbarrow facebuster for a two count. Mysterio hit the 619 but Zelina Vega helped Andrade get out of the ring. Andrade accidentally threw Mysterio into Vega. The champion slammed Mysterio into the steel steps and the challenger collapsed. As officials tended to the fallen Vega, Andrade capitalized and hit Mysterio with a Hammerlock DDT for the win. After the match, Andrade ripped Mysterio’s mask off and walked away with it.

Later in the show, Mysterio angrily attacked Andrade backstage.

RELATED: WWE RAW Results (1/6/20)

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