IMPACT Wrestling Throwback Throwdown Results (11/26/19)

Report By Lovell Porter for

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Sexton Hardcastle (Don Callis) and Giuseppe Scovelli (Josh Mathews) are calling the action tonight. Hardcastle looks to be sleeping at the desk as Scovelli runs down the card.

Rip Rayzor (Ace Austin) vs. Rapid Delivery Pete (Rich Swann)

Pete offers Rayzor some pizza. Raynor yells that he didn’t order any pizza. Pete tries to grabs a headlock but Rayzor is wearing a spiked collar. Rayzor body slams Pete. Rayzor works a chin lock. Pete escapes and lands a few arm drags. Dropkick by Pete. Pete hits the Special Delivery Splash for the win.

Winner- Rapid Delivery Pete

Backstage, Julian Cumberbun (Ethan Page) and Sonny Sanders (Sami Callihan) are interviewed. Sanders is doing an.. um.. an impression of Jim Cornette… I think? After Cumberbun beats Downtown Daddy Brown (Willie Mack) they are going to go have some cheeseburgers. Downtown interrupts. Downtown tells Cumberbun to stick all his riches where the sun doesn’t shine. Sanders tries to attack Downtown from behind. Downtown beats up Cumberbun and Sanders. Downtown rips the suit off of Cumberbun.

Backstage, Xcessive Force (D’Lo Brown and Fallah Bahh) terrorize an interviewer.

Xcessive Force vs. The Hard Workers (The Deaners)

Xcessive Force takes turns working over Oats. Hall gets the hot tag and clears the ring. Hall surprises Pummel with a sunset flip for the win.

Winners- Xcessive Force attacks Oats and Hall. Plunder splashes Oats and the Hard Worker’s hats at the same time. Hall was inconsolable…

Impact Wrestling Throwback Throwdown Results Continue On The Next Page!