IMPACT Wrestling Results

IMPACT Wrestling Results (11/5/19)

Taya Valkyrie w/Johnny Bravo vs. Madison Rayne

Valkyrie tosses Rayne all over the ring. Valkyrie stink faces Rayne in the corner. Valkyrie stomps on Rayne in the corner. Rayne trips Valkyrie. Valkyrie falls face-first into the second turnbuckle. Rayne puts Valkyrie in a cravat. After the break, Rayne putsValkyrie in an octopus hold. Valkyrie falls backward onto Rayne, flattening her in the process. Sky-high by Valkyrie. Rayne kicks out. Rayne surprises Valkyrie with a tornado DDT. Ripcord cutter by Rayne. Bravo throws Hennigan the dog into the ring. Rayne tosses Hennigan into the crowd. Valkyrie hits a running knee. Valkyrie lands the Road to Valhalla for the win.

Winner- Taya Valkyrie

After the match, Grace walks out on the stage. Bravo tries to attack Grace but gets laid out. Valkyrie runs away.

Backstage, Rosemary questions Susie. Susie has no idea who Rosemary is. Rosemary vows to figure this out. Susie runs into Havok. Susie says she doesn’t know who Havok is.

Bhupinder Singh w/The Desi Hit Squad vs. Petey Williams

Williams gets the win after putting Singh in the Sharpshooter.

Winner- Petey Williams

After the match, Singh tries to attack the legless referee. Referee Cameron hits a 619 on Singh. Williams hits the ring and hits the Canadian Destroyer on Singh. Cameron hits a splash off the top.

Austin makes it to Alisha’s hotel room. Alisha tells Austin to get naked and put on a blindfold. Austin gets naked. Eddie Edwards appears and beats the crap out of Austin. Edwards grabs Kenny the Kendo Stick. Alisha takes it from Edwards and beats Austin with it. Edwards grabs Alisha and they start making out.

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