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ROH Wrestling Results (11/2/19): RUSH vs. Silas Young, Jonathan Gresham vs. Alex Shelley

ROH Wrestling Results 

Aired November 2, 2019 

Report by Colin Tessier for

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A video package recaps Silas Young earning an opportunity to face RUSH for the ROH World Championship at ROH Glory By Honor.

Ian Riccaboni and Quinn McKay welcome viewers and preview the show.

Jonathan Gresham vs. Alex Shelley

Gresham and Shelley shake hands. They lock up and exchange technical holds. The match is a stalemate early on. Shelley eventually gains the upper hand but Gresham hits a dropkick to even the odds. Shelley takes control with some stiff kicks and a suplex. He briefly locks in the Billy Goat’s Curse. Gresham hits a springboard moonsault. The Octopus targets Shelley’s arm with a hammerlock. Gresham continues to ground and twist Shelley.

Shelley takes Gresham down with a dropkick to the knee. Gresham rolls through a crossbody and both men roll around the ring. The Octopus continues to target Shelley’s arm and stomps on it. Gresham nearly gets the win with an acrobatic pin attempt. Shelley hits a super inverted atomic drop. He drops Gresham with a neckbreaker. Shelley counters the Octopus into a pin for the win.

Winner: Alex Shelley

After the match, Gresham gets a chair and intends to use it. Jay Lethal comes to the ring and stops him. Shelley demands a handshake from Gresham and he gets one.

In a taped segment, Ring of Honor World Television Champion Shane Taylor says he’s chasing the legacy of all-time greats. He says his championship reign is just the beginning.; he’s going to be the greatest champion in the history of Ring of Honor.

In a taped segment, Vinny Marseglia refuses to answer any questions but he says people need to decide which side of the blade they’re on.

Riccaboni and McKay preview Ring of Honor Unauthorized.

A video package recaps Bully Ray attacking Mark Haskins at Ring of Honor Death Before Dishonor. Haskins says he’s fed up of Ray and dares him to come do something.

ROH Wrestling Results continue on the next page.