MLW Saturday Night SuperFight Results (11/2/19): Jacob Fatu vs. LA Park

MLW Saturday Night SuperFight Results 
November 2, 2019
Report by Colin Tessier for

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Leo Brien vs. Savio Vega

Brien and Vega lock up and they’re evenly matched early on. They continue to exchange holds. Brien slaps Vega in the face and gets one right back in return. The match spills outside the ring and Vega briefly chops Brien’s chest. Brien catches Vega with a boot and stomps him. A suplex gets Brien a two count. Vega gets a two count with a crossbody. The competitors trade blows and Brien drops Vega with a spear. Vega dodges a diving elbow drop and clotheslines Brien. Vega shoves the ref and Brien capitalizes by hitting Vega in the head with a cowbell. Brien hits an elbow drop for the win.

Winner: Leo Brien

After the match, Bien attacks Vega but it backfires; Vega hits him with a heel kick and hits him with two Singapore canes. Vega follows Brien up the ramp and keeps hitting him.

A video package recaps Mance Warner’s rivalry with Jimmy Havoc and Bestia 666’s place in it. Another package hypes up “El Intocable” Gino Medina.

Gino “El Intocable” Medina vs. Air Wolf

Medina and Wolf lock up and Medina gets a quick one count after a pin attempt. Medina slaps Wolf, who fires back with a stiff chop. A kick to the head gets Medina a two count. Medina grounds Wolf but a back elbow and a modified 619 rock El Intocable. Another stiff kick floors Wolf. A running knee and a modified Stump Puller earn Medina the win.

Winner: Gino “El Intocable” Medina

In the latest “Lifestyles of the Rich and the Dynastic,” the “gift train” arrives when MJF gives Richard Holliday his sunglasses. They fist bump.

MLW Saturday Night Control Center previews the main card.

The members of Injustice walk through the crowd with “Injustice on PPV” signs.

Hijo de LA Park (presented by Salina de la Renta) vs. Zenshi

Zenshi quickly takes Hijo de LA Park down with a hurricanrana and a dive to the outside. Salina distracts Zenshi and Hijo kicks him in the head. A dive to the outside gives Hijo the momentum. Hijo hits Zenshi on the back with a chair and crotches him on the barricade. He hits him with the chair again. Hijo slaps Zenshi’s chest but Zenshi gets a two count on a rollup. Two kicks to the head get Hijo a two count. Zenshi hits an acrobatic kick and similarly athletic neckbreaker for a near fall.

Salina distracts Zenshi again but he maintains control of the match. A running forearm and dropkick earn Hijo a near fall. Hijo hits a powerslam and a Code Red for a two count. Hijo nails a Spanish Fly off the top rope but Zenshi hits a back springboard kick to the head. Zenshi tries to dive all the way across the ring but comes up empty. He still goes for a pin and gets a two count. Hijo rocks Zenshi with a lariat and hits a modified piledriver for the win.

Winner: Hijo de La Park

After the match, Salina says LA Park will win the MLW World Heavyweight Championship tonight. She tells CONTRA Unit to be ready to kiss her ring and bow down to LA Park. CONTRA Unit (minus Jacob Fatu) comes to the ring. Officials try ti prevent a fight before Salina and Hijo walk away. Simon Gotch bashes a chair on the ground at ringside.

CONTRA Unit (Simon Gotch & Ikuro Kwon) vs. Dominic Garrini & Douglas James vs. Spirit Squad (Kenn Doane and Mike Mondo) 

Doane and James begin the match. Kwon tags in and James floors him with a dropkick. Mondo pulls Kwon down by his hair. Gotch attacks Mondo at ringside and rocks him with kicks. Garrini goes after Doane. James and Kwon trade blows. The match breaks down into chaos. Garrini tags in and chops Mondo several times before locking in an armbar. Gotch breaks it up. Doane clotheslines Garrini and tags in. Mondo reenters the match and stomps Garrini.

James rocks Gotch with a kick. He destroys Doane and Kwon with knees to the head. Garrini clotheslines Mondo and slams Doane. Garrini locks in an armbar. Kwon spits mist in Mondo’s face and Gotch pins him for the win.

Winners: CONTRA Unit

After the match, Gotch threatens the ring announcer and makes him announce CONTRA as the winners again.

MLW Saturday Night SuperFight Results continue on the next page!