Friday Night Smackdown Results

Friday Night SmackDown Results (10/18/19)

Friday Night Smackdown ResultsFriday Night SmackDown Results
October 18, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for

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Intercontinental Championship Match: Shinsuke Nakamura (c) w/Sami Zayn vs. Roman Reigns 

Nakamura takes Reigns down and lays in a few stiff knees to the head. Nakamura runs into a boot by Reigns. Reigns levels Nakamura with a back elbow. Reigns drives Nakamura into the turnbuckle. Samoan drop by Reigns. Reigns gets a two count. Zayn checks on Nakamura. Zayn pulls Nakamura out of the way of Reigns’ drive-by. Before Reigns can react, Nakamura kicks Reigns in the side of the head. After the break. Nakamura has Reigns in a rear chin lock. Reigns fights his way out of it. Nakamura dives off the top but Reigns catches him with a stiff right hand.

Reigns fires up and clotheslines Nakamura in the corner over and over again. Reigns loads up the Superman Punch. Nakamura reverses it into a triangle. Reigns counters into a powerbomb. Nakamura kicks out. Zayn gets on the apron. While Reigns is distracted, Nakamura lands a sliding German suplex. Nakamura calls for the Kinshasa. Reigns surprises Nakamura with the Superman punch. Reigns calls for the Spear. King Corbin hits the ring and blasts Reigns in the back of the head with his scepter to cause a disqualification.

Winner- Roman Reigns

Nakamura and Corbin beatdown Reigns. Daniel Bryan tries to make the save but gets laid out after a Kinshasa.

Friday Night SmackDown Results Continue On The Next Page!