WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

Friday Night Smackdown Results (10/11/19)

October 11, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Last Week’s Smackdown Live Results

Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins (The Winner’s Brand Gets The First Pick)

Reigns floors Rollins with a shoulder block. Rollins sends Reigns out of the ring. Rollins tries a dive but Reigns cuts Rollins off with an elbow to the face. Rollins decks Reigns. Reigns decks Rollins. Rollins dumps Reigns to the outside again. After the break, Reigns hits a roll through sit-out powerbomb. Rollins kicks out. Reigns calls for the Superman punch. Rollins counters into a facebuster. Reigns falls out of the ring. Rollins hits a dive. Rollins sends Reigns back into the ring. Springboard knee but Rollins. Rollins gets a near fall after a frog splash.

Reigns sidesteps the Stomp. Reigns and Rollins trade strikes. Rollins hits a buckle bomb. Reigns explodes out of the corner and lands the Superman Punch. Reigns calls for the Spear. Rollins counter with the Pedigree. Rollins calls for the Stomp. The Lights go out and The Fiend burst through the ring. The Fiend puts Rollins in the Mandible Claw. The Fiend drags Rollins into the hole. Rollins frantically crawls out of the hole. The Fiend appears on the stage, glaring at Rollins. Reigns is disqualified.

Winner- Seth Rollins

We get our first glimpse of the USA and FOX War Rooms.

Stephanie McMahon is out to deliver the first picks:

Becky Lynch is the is the number one pick for Raw

Roman Reigns to Smackdown

The OC  and AJ Styles to Raw

Bray Wyatt to Smackdown

Drew McIntyre to RAW

Friday Night SmackDown Results Continue On The Next Page!