WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (9/23/19)

Backstage, Robert Roode says he is going to win the fatal five-way because he has already pinned Seth Rollins.

During a backstage interview with Becky Lynch says she called out Sasha Banks and she wants her to be on a hot streak going into their Hell in a Cell match. Lynch isn’t worried about Bayley trying to get involved. The Hell in a Cell will keep Banks in and Bayley out.

Rusev vs. EC3

EC3 attacks Rusev as soon as the bell rings. EC3 tries a crossbody but Rusev catches him in midair. Rusev tosses EC3 all over the ring. Rusev Machka Kicks EC3. Rusev puts EC3 in the Accolade. EC3 taps out.

Winner- Rusev

Backstage, Rey Mysterio says he is dedicating the fatal five-way tonight to his son.

Sasha Banks w/Bayley vs. Nikki Cross w/Alexa Bliss

Banks beats Cross into the corner. Banks mocks Bliss on the outside, Cross runs over Banks. Cross monkey flips Banks, then hits a basement dropkick for a near fall. Cross rolls up Banks for another near fall. Cross works Banks’ arm. Cross takes Banks down with a crossbody block. Banks rolls out of the ring. Cross jumps on Banks back. Banks falls backward on the ramp, crushing Cross. After the break, Banks tries heer corner double knee strike but Cross gets a boot up. Banks trips Cross into the corner. Double knee strike by Banks. Cross kicks out. Cross splashes Banks in the corner.

Cross bulldogs Banks for another near fall. Banks drops Cross’ leg across the middle rope. Banks hits meteora. Banks focuses her assault on Cross’ injured knee. Cross sends Banks out of the ring. Cross hits a cross body off the apron. Cross sends Banks back into the ring. Running neck breaker by Cross for another long two count. Banks knees Cross in the face. Banks kicks Cross out of the ring. Banks tries a baseball slide but Cross traps her in the apron. Cross pummels Banks in the apron. Cross is about to hit her finish but Bayley gets on the apron. Bliss attacks Bayley. Bliss dives off the top but Banks rolls through and locks in the Banks Statement! Cross taps out.

Winner- Sasha Banks

After the match, Banks puts Bliss in the Banks Statement.

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