daniel bryan
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Mark Henry Praises Daniel Bryan’s Ability To Call Matches On The Fly And Creativity

Mark Henry was the co-host on today’s episode of Busted Open Radio, and he had high praise for Daniel Bryan. He talked about Bryan’s ability to improvise and how creative he can be both inside the ring and out of it.

“Daniel Bryan is more creative as you go along,” said Henry. “A lot of people can’t call it on the fly, but Daniel Bryan, if it was 15 minutes and at the eight minute mark they go, ‘Guys, you’ve got 10 more minutes.’ He’d go ‘Great. That’s even better.’ You can tell a better story. Daniel don’t rattle, he’s one of the smoothest wrestlers and usually smooth wrestlers don’t make it. The guys that are so effortless and smooth in the ring they don’t have that extra thing, that je ne sais quoi that makes them superior and hall of fame worthy. Daniel is one of those, Randy Orton is one of those. They’re just cut from some different stuff.”

Check out the full clip below:

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