WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (8/6/19)

Sami Zayn hits the ring and complains about not hearing back from Aleister Black on his challenge for a match at SummerSlam. Black says the match is happening tonight, not at SummerSlam

Aleister Black vs. Sami Zayn

Black kicks Zayn square in the chest. Zayn rolls out of the ring. After the break, Zayn is beating down Black in the middle of the ring. Black fires up and lands a few strikes. Sliding knee by Black. Springboard moonsault by Black. Black obliterates Zayn with a bicycle knee. Black lands the Black Mass for the win.

Winner- Aleister Black

The New Day vs. Daniel Bryan and Rowen

After the break, Woods has Bryan in an armbar. Bryan forces Woods into the corner. Rowan tags in and tosses Woods around the ring. Rowana and Bryan take turns beating down Woods. Woods eventually tags in Big E. Big E. belly-to-belly suplexes Bryan. Bryan surprises Big E. with a dropkick to the knee. Big E. puts Bryan in the stretch muffler. Bryan reverses it into the LeBell Lock. Big E. almost gets to the ropes. Bryan transitions into a triangle. Big E. powerbombs Bryan out of it. Woods tries to hit the ropes but Rowan hits him with the ringsteps to cause a disqualification.

Winners- The New Day

After the match, Bryan and Rowan beat down Woods and Big E.

Roman Reigns is shown walking backstage. Reigns burst into the Smackdown Lockerroom. Reigns asks everyone but Buddy Murphy to leave. Reigns asks Murphy if he did it. Murphy says he didn’t do it and he doesn’t know who did. Reigns says he saw Murphy there. Murphy says he doesn’t know what happened but if he did, he wouldn’t tell Reigns a damn thing. Reigns tosses Murphy all over the locker room. Murphy says it was Rowan. Reigns asks if Bryan was there too. Murphy says he only saw Rowan.

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