WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (8/6/19)

August 6, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Last Week’s Smackdown Live Results

In-Ring Segment: Charlotte Flair

Flair says she is the definition of greatness. Flair says Trish Stratus decided to leave as the business started to change. The real reason Trish is back is because Trish is jealous of Flair. Flair is going to shatter all of Trish’s dreams this Sunday night. Flair throws to a highlight package of her greatest moments. A video of all of Trish’s accomplishments is shown instead. Trish interrupts and says the reason Flair has been given these opportunities because of Trish and everyone else who paved the way. Trish says Flair is right. Trish did want one more match. Trish wants to prove it to herself that she can still do it. Flair says she is going to make Trish bow down to the queen. Flair woos in Trish’s face. Trish slaps Flair. Flair laughs and walks away.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Rey Mysterio 

Ziggler does Goldberg’s entrance on the way to the ring. Ziggler attacks Mysterio before the match starts. Ziggler Superkicks Mysterio out on the floor. Referees and officials check on Mysterio. Ziggler picks up Mysterio and Superkicks him again. Ziggler says this match Sunday will be Goldberg’s last. Ali runs to the ring and attacks Ziggler for some reason.

Ali vs. Dolph Ziggler

After the break Ali hits a rolling x-factor. Ziggler misses a superkick. Ali rolls up Ziggler. Ziggler kicks out. Ziggler hits the Superkick for the win.

Winner- Dolph Ziggler

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