WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (8/6/19)

Backstage, Roman Reigns tells Kayla that with everything that has happened this year at the very least he has always known what he was up against. Now he has no idea who is trying to take him out. Reigns says he has no idea who is trying to kill him. Reigns apologizes to Samoa Joe for his name getting mixed up in all of this. Reigns says he is going to get some answers tonight.

Natalya vs. Ember Moon

Natty tries a back body drop but Moon lands on her feet. Moon lands a nice superkick. Natty falls to the outside. Moon dropkicks Natty into the barricade. Natty pushes Moon into the ring apron. Discus clothesline by Natty. Natty puts Moon in the Sharpshooter outside the ring. They are both counted out.

Winner- no contest

Bayley runs down to ringside and pulls Natty off of Moon. Bayley tries helps Moon up. Moon refuses Bayley’s help.

Kevin Owens Show

Owens demands Shane McMahon get out there right now. Shane joins Owens in the ring. Owens says everyone has been asking why he hasn’t asked Shane to put his career on the line too. Owens asks Shane to put his career on the line at SummerSlam as well. Shane says no. Shane lists all the ways Owens can lose on Sunday. Elias hits the ring and attacks Owens. Owens sends Elias out of the ring. Owens tosses Shane over the announce desk. Owens hits the Stunner on Elias on the table. Shane sweeps Owens’ leg. Owens hits the table hard. Shane pins Owens under the announce desk.

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