WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (7/29/19)

Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler comes out to HBK’s music. Ziggler refers to himself as the “Show Stealer”. Rollins clotheslines Ziggler. Rollins sends Ziggler to the outside. Rollins sends Ziggler into the barricade, then the ring post. After the break, Rollins floors Ziggler with a sling blade. Ziggler kicks out. Falcon arrow for a two count by Rollins. Ziggler sends Rollins into the ring post twice. Zig Zag by Ziggler. Rollins kicks out. Ziggler calls for Sweet Chin Music. Rollins lands a superkick of his own. Basement superkick by Rollins. Rollins calls for the Stomp. Lesnar’s music hits. Heyman and Lesnar power walk to the ring. Lesnar attacks Rollins. Lesnar German suplexes Rollins over and over again to cause a DQ.

Winner- Seth Rollins

Lesnar whips Rollins into the barricade. Lesnar German suplexes Rollins out on the floor. Lesnar F5s Rollins into the ring post! Lesnar sends Rollins back into the ring. Lesnar grabs a steel chair. Lesnar hit Rollins with the chair. Lesnar stands a chair up in the ring. Lesnar F5s Rollins on the point of the chair. Lesnar does it one more time for good measure. Rollins starts to cough up blood. Lesnar picks up Rollins again. Heyman begs Lesnar to stop. Lesnar F5s Rollins on the chair for a third time.

As Rollins is being wheeled out of the arena, the Usos and Reigns come to check on him. A brawl breaks out between the Usos, Reigns and Samoa Joe. As the ambulance tries to pull off Lesnar stops it. Lesnar yanks Rollins out of the back of the ambulance. Lesnar F5s Rollins on the stretcher.

Samoan Summit

Joe hits the ring and says the summit is off. If Reigns can still walk after the beatdown Joe just gave him he needs to limp down to the ring right now. Reigns attacks Joe. The two battle outside the ring. Reigns tries to send Joe into the ring steps but Joe reverses it. Joe hits the steps hard. Reigns launches the ring steps at Joe. The steps hit Joe upside his head. Drew McIntyre attacks Reigns. Cedric Alexander tries to make the save but Joe catches him with a nasty lariat. McIntyre sends Alexander off the stage. Everyone ends up on the stage. The Usos and the OC join the fray. Alexander dives off the top of the Tron onto everyone. Reigns saves Alexander with a series of Superman punches. Reigns Spears Joe.



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