WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (7/29/19)

A Moment of Bliss

Bliss says she has some disturbing footage to show us. Fit Finlay is teaching Natalya how to escape the DisArmHer. Becky Lynch slides into the ring, knees Finlay in the nuts and puts Natty in the DisArmHer. The crowd cheers because, of course, they did. Bliss says Lynch isn’t the role model the WWE Universe needs. Lynch appears on the ‘Tron and says she wanted to take some time out of her day to threaten Bliss. Lynch will deal with Bliss later.

RAW Tag Team Championship Match: The Revival (c) vs. The Usos vs. The OC

Dawson and Jimmy start the match. Dawson and Jimmy trade submission attempts. Dawson floors Jimmy with a back elbow. Dawson and Wilder work over Jimmy. Jimmy chops Wilder into the corner. Jimmy tags in Jey, who hits a corner splash. Jey gets a near fall after a falling headbutt. Dawson and Wilder work over Jey. Jey tags in Jimmy. Jey whips Wilder into a nasty uppercut by Jimmy. Jimmy locks Widler in an armbar. Wilder drives Jey into the Revival’s corner. Dawson and Wilder beat down Jey. Wilder sends Jey out of the ring. Gallows levels Jey with a clothesline out on the floor.

After the break, Gallows and Anderson are taking turns working over Jey. Jimmy gets the hot tag and clears the ring. The Revival hit a doomsday bulldog. Wilder and Anderson fall over the top during a suplex. Everyone lands a dive. Jey suplexes Dawson off the top onto everyone out on the floor. Jimmy drags Dawson back into the ring. Jimmy misses a frog splash. Gallows tags himself in. The Revival hit the Shatter Machine but they are not the legal men. The OC hit the Magic Killer on Jimmy for the win.

Winners and NEW RAW Tag Team Champions, The OC!

Backstage, Styles, Gallows, and Anderson celebrate.

Viking Raiders vs. Cole Carter and Johnny James

Erik runs over James. Cole drops off the apron and tries to leave. Ivar boots Cole in the face outside the ring. Erik knees Cole into James. The Raiders get the win after the Viking Experience.

Winners- The Viking Raiders

Backstage, the Street Profits run down what has happened so far on the show. Dawkins lets out a sly smile when Ford mentions Maria. Ford asks Dawkins if he is the baby daddy. Seth Rollins walks in. They hug. Ford offers Rollins som drank. Rollins says later. Ford tries to do the “burn it down” thing and Rollins stops him. That’s his thing. They all do it together.

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