Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Full Results Of AAA Conquista Total Gira: Cody & MJF Team Up, Konnan Calls Out AEW

AAA Conquista Total Gira commenced last night and the show had several interesting items to note regarding AEW and one of it’s EVPs, Cody Rhodes. Cody teamed up with MJF to face Daga and Taurus and in the main event, showed up to save Dr. Wagner Jr. from a beat down by an interfering Taurus post-match. In build for the previous tag match, Konnan cut a promo on Cody and AEW, stating the difference between AAA’s longevity while AEW is still wet behind the ears. In addition to that, AAA made sure to mention a three-man tag match taking place between The Lucha Bros and Laredo Kid against The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega at Triplemania. Full results of the show by Shannon Walsh of WrestlingWithDemons.net below as well as a clip of Konnan’s rant against Cody and AEW:

Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide results from Aguascalientes City, Mexico on 7/18/19 live on Twitch

They didn’t officially open the show until 10:20pm EST.

They aired a video with La Parka talking to Trios Champions Laredo Kid, Myzteziz Jr., and El Hijo Del Vikingo. He suggested that Golden Magic replace Kid as 1/3 of the title holders at Triplemania because Kid will be teaming with Lucha Bros. vs. Young Bucks and Kenny Omega on the show.

The English announcers said that AAA would have to approve Parka’s suggestion on the trios titles.

Blue Demon Jr. came out and cut a promo. He said he would end Dr. Wagner Jr. as well as Wagner’s sons. He said it’s personal and not just a match now at Triplemania.

Impulso and Low Rider vs. Freelance and Astrolux

Astrolux pinned Low Rider after a 450 Splash in a good opener. Freelance did an impressive diving bodypress off the top rope to Impulso on the floor before the finish. Fans tossed money after.

Konnan and Los Mercenarios came out for a promo. They said they want all the championships in AAA. Konnan spoke in English and said Cody has no power and influence once he crossed the border and entered AAA. He said they will send AEW a message later tonight.

Lady Maravilla, Ulimo Maldito, La Parka Negra, and Latigo vs. Big Mami, Dinastia, Arkangel Divino, and Eclipse Jr.

Maravilla pinned Mami after hitting her in the head with a chair just as she was about to pin Maldito.

Nino Hamburguesa came out after the match and yelled at Maravilla for doing it. He then stormed off as Maravillla followed him to give her side of the story. Tirantes was the referee and he counted a fast three.

Golden Magic and Lady Shani vs. Villano III Jr. and La Hiedra 

Shani pinned Villano with a bridge pin. Villano’s foot was on the rope but the referee counted and didn’t see it. Villano gave Magic a running DVD on the gaint series of steps that lead from the stage to the ring.

Dave the Clown, Chik Tormenta and Tessa Blachard vs. Nino Hamburguesa, Faby Apache, and Taya (Valkyrie)

Blanchard pinned Taya after the Buzzsaw DDT and fast count by referee Tirantes.

Taya was about to pin Blanchard after the Road to Valhalla but Tirantes acted like he tripped his foot on the rope while rushing over to count. He then counted extra slow so Blanchard could kick out.

Laredo Kid, Puma King, and Areo Star vs. Eterno, Averno and Chessman

King pinned Eterno after a Code Red.

Areo Star did a dive outside the ring towards the end of the match and caught his feet on the ropes. It looked like he landed roughly on his head. He was fine enough to join the victory celebration after.

Monsther Clown jumped all three tecnicos post match and gave Areo Star a suplex on the big steps. King tried to make the save by using his body to shield on Areo Star but Averno and Chessman stomped on him.

I don’t know if Areo Star was hurt legit in the beat down, but people were rushing around with a stretcher and then they cut to showing the announcers on screen. There was a delay before the next match.

Daga and Taurus vs. Cody and MJF

Daga pinned MJF after the Angel Wing’s facebuster after Taurus clipped MJF’s leg. Taurus threw Cody into the front row before the finish, leaving MJF alone.

Cody gave Taurus a low blow after the match followed by Cross Rhodes on Daga.

Rey Escorpion and Texano Jr. then came out and attacked Cody and MJF with a chair and the bullrope. They jammed the top of the folded chair into the should of Cody and worked on MJF’s leg. Nobody made the save for the AEW team and the rudos just got tired of beating them up and left the ring on their own.

Dr. Wagner Jr., Pentagon, Jr. and Psycho Clown vs. Blue Demon Jr., Rey Escorpion , and Texano, Jr.

Wagner pinned Blue Demon Jr. after the Wagner Driver. He and Demon made each other bleed as usual early on.

After the match, Taurus jumped Wagner. Texano and Escorpion helped him as Clown and Pentagon were disposed of on the outside.

Cody ran out with a chair and made the save on Wagner. He and Wagner then bumped into each other by accident and they stared each other down for a little bit. They then shook hands and hugged. Cody told him to take care of Demon who was still at ringside watching.

Wagner cut a promo and told Demon he earned a good victory over him tonight and he would take his mask. He said Demon’s story ends at Triplemania. He said he lost his mask a couple of years ago at the event and now it’s Demon’s turn to lose his. He said he’s not worried about losing because he’ll leave his heart and soul in the ring.

Demon gave him the middle finger then came back into the ring as if there was going to be a final brawl between the two but then he just left the ring as Wagner continued to celebrate the win.

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