AR Fox & Leon Ruff Defeat Eddie Kingston & Joe Gacy, Are New EVOLVE Tag Team Champions

AR Fox & Leon Ruff came away with a huge victory during EVOLVE’s 10th Anniversary show tonight, as they defeated Eddie Kingston & Joe Gacy to become the newest EVOLVE Tag Team Champions. After the match, an informal party broke out in the ring, with the crowd and superstars having some fun after the hard-fought victory.

For a full breakdown of the match, check out below, and make sure to follow along with our coverage of the event:

Fox and Ruff attack early and send Kingston and Gacy outside, then Fox hits a reverse flip out to the floor and looks to hit the floor in addition to his opponents. They head back inside and Kingston breaks up a double pin attempt, then Fox and Ruff connect with double kicks to them before they accidentally collide in mid-air and Gacy hits an Ace Crusher on the follow through. Kingston hits a powerbomb off the second rope for two, then Gacy and Kingston take turns chopping Ruff in the corner. Fox saves Ruff from a double team suplex attempt, then Ruff punches Gacy on the turnbuckles and hits a DDT before Fox runs up and hits a springboard backflip slam off of the second rope. Kingston hits Fox with a spinning back fist, then Kingston holds Ruff while Gacy clotheslines him, and Kingston transitions right into a release suplex. Gacy goes outside for a table, but Ruff hits the Ruff Ride and ends up splashing Gacy on the floor before Fox hits Kingston with a 450 splash for the win.


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