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NJPW G1 Climax Night 1 Results (7/6/19)

NJPW G1 Climax Night 1

July 6, 2019 

Report by Colin Tessier for

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Kevin Kelly and Rocky Romero welcome viewers to the show and preview the tournament. A video package focuses on Kazuchika Okada, Zack Sabre Jr., Will Ospreay and other participants.

Roppongi 3K (SHO and YOH) vs. ROH Tag Team Champions Guerillas of Destiny (Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa)

The match gets off to a quick start, with Roppongi 3K sending the Guerillas to the outside and simultaneously diving onto them outside the ring.  SHO gets ganged up on by the Guerillas and Loa slams SHO in the ring. The champions continue to gang up on him as Tonga hits a slingshot elbow drop. SHO spears Tonga and tags in YOH, who punches Tonga and hits him with a running forearm.

Tonga blocks a superkick and plants YOH with a back suplex. YOH hits him with a superkick and Roppongi hits both Guerrillas with knees to the faces. Tonga hits a Gun Stun on SHO and the Guerillas pin YOH with a super powerbomb.

Winners: Guerillas of Destiny

Jeff Cobb and Ren Narita vs. Shota Umino and Tomohiro Ishii

Ishii and Cobb shove each other before the match and they wind up starting it off. Cobb refuses to go down after two shoulder blocks but Ishii returns the favor. Cobb goes down after a dropkick and Umino tags in. Narita also tags in and exchanges technical holds with Umino.

Ishii tags in and chops Narita a few times. Ishii seemingly doesn’t feel Narita’s strikes and takes him down with a shoulder block. Narita suplexes Ishii and tags Cobb, who suplexes Ishii and Umino. Cobb nails a running strike and suplexes Ishii again. The Stone Pitbull still doesn’t feel Cobb’s strikes and trades blows with Cobb. Ishii suplexes Cobb and tags Umino, who hits a dropkick off the top rope and suplexes Cobb for a near fall.

The match descends into a wild brawl for a minute but Cobb pins Umino after Tour of the Islands.

Winners: Jeff Cobb and Ren Narita

Cobb and Ishii stare each other down after the match and the two men keep fighting. Security officials have to break them up.

Chase Owens and Jay White vs. YOSHI-HASHI and Hirooki Goto

Owens and Goto start the match but White attacks the latter from behind. Goto drops Owens with a forearm but he bounces back and hits Goto with a dropkick. YOSHI-HASHI tags in and chops Owens. White pulls YOSHI-HASHI’s hair and Owens slingshots him into the ropes before White drives him into the apron.

White tags in and stops his opponent from tagging Goto. YOSHI-HASHI gets some breathing room and tags in Goto,  who takes White down with a hip toss and a suplex. Goto tosses Owens out of the ring and White attacks his opponent from behind. White takes him down with a suplex and tags Owens, who drops Goto with a knee to the head. YOSHI-HASHI breaks up a pin attempt and White brawls with him. Goto clotheslines White out of the ring and pins Owens with modified neckbreaker.

Winners: Hirooki Goto and YOSHI-HASHI

NJPW G1 Climax Night One Results Continue on the Next Page!