WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (7/1/19)

In Ring Segment: Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre

Shane says he is worried about Lashley and Strowman. Shane reminds the crowd that he has actual responsibilities other than gracing the WWE Universe with his presence. Last week Roman Reigns was so scared he had to call the Undertaker for help. McIntyre says what they did to Reigns last week is going to pale in comparison to what they do at Extreme Rules. Shane adds they are going to put Undertaker and Reigns in the ground. McIntyre isn’t afraid of the Undertaker. McIntyre doesn’t give a damn about the Undertaker.

McIntyre came dressed for a fight. The lights go out and the ring post is struck by lighting. Undertaker’s music plays. Undertaker slowly makes his way down to the ring. Shane and McIntyre retreat to the crowd as Undertaker enters the ring. Undertaker says he isn’t here because Reigns called him. Undertaker is here because he wants to collect Shane and McIntyre’s souls. Undertaker tells Shane that he sorta kinda had his respect after their hell in a cell match. Shane may be the best in “this” world, but where Undertaker is sending him them they will die… or something? Undertaker tells them they will never rest in peace.

Backstage, Baron Corbin and Lacey Evans say an extreme rules match works in their favor. Corbin wants to know if Rollins’ latest fling (Becky Lynch) is worth it. Evans insinuates that Rollins is into her.

Lacey Evans w/Baron Corbin vs. Natalya

Natalya pushes Evans out of the ring. Evans pushes Natalya into the apron. Evans brings Natalya into the ring. Evans stomps Natalya in the corner. Evans crushes Natalya with a broncobuster. Slingshot elbow by Evans for a near fall. Natalya pulls Evans off the top rope by her leg. Natalya rolls up Evans for a near fall. Discus clothesline by Natalya. slingshot atomic buster by Natalya. Natalya hits the ropes but Corbin pulls Natalya’s leg. Natalya jaws with Corbin. Natalya turns around and walks right into the Women’s Right by Evans. Natalya is out.

Winner- Lacey Evans

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